Hello again friends .
how are you doing today ? hope everything is ok with all of you
im selling today league of legends insane checker
What it provide ?
it capture most of league acc info like this details explain
1 . full_name ( account name + tag of new riot system to nicks )
2 . Level ( level of the account )
3 . Email ( showing true for verified acc and false for unverified one )
4 . Region ( server of the acc like euw eune na )
5 . Creation date ( the date of account creation with day month year hours seconds all those info included )
6 . Country ( the acc country that used in account creation process )
7 . Previous_ban_reasons ( if the acc got any old penalties )
8 . Current_restrictions ( if the acc got any recent penalty with details of them , the check will go to fail if the acc got perma banned )
9 . Current_ban_reason ( if the acc got recent penalty and still going on like a time ban suspend 2 weeks and it will go to custom check tab so u know they are temp suspended not perma )
10 . Ban_expire_date ( will show the expire date for the penalty like last line example 2 weeks suspend ended in = will show fully info with day month year hours seconds )
11 . Last_played ( will show you the last played time with days like 30 days ago , good for decide active and inactive accs )
12 . Previous_seasons_ranks_soloq ( showing soloq achieved old ranks for the acc per seasons or splits )
13 . Previous_seasons_ranks_flex ( showing flex achieved old ranks for the acc per seasons or splits )
14 . Average_enemies ( the ranks you will face in matches with the acc )
15 . Soloq_rank ( current soloq rank or blank )
16 . Flex_rank ( current flex rank or blank )
17 . Wins_soloq ( number of wins in soloq mode with the acc like 10 games win )
18 . Losses_soloq ( number of losses in soloq mode with the acc like 5 games lose )
19 . Wins_flex ( number of wins in flex mode with the acc like 9 games win )
20 . Losses_flex ( number of wins in flex mode with the acc like 4 games lose )
21 . RP ( capture RP amount on the acc )
22 . BlueEssence ( capture BE amount on the acc )
23 . Total_champions ( count of champs owned on acc )
24 . Champs ( details of owned champs on acc like example : Zyra , Zilean )
25 . Total_skins ( count of skins owned on acc )
26 . Skins ( details of owned skins on acc like example : Reverse Annie, Woad Ashe, Foxfire Ahri )
27 . refnds_remaining ( the refnds remaining on the acc for bought champs )
28 . Able_refnds_count_BlueEssence ( if there's 2 champs on ur refnds inventory it will count as 2 refnds available in BE game currency )
29 . Able_refnds_BlueEssence ( will show how much BE you will get from every refnds from last line example like that ( 450 , 1350 ) in total of 2 refnds depending on champs prices )
30 . Able_refnds_count_RP ( same idea of point .28 but for purchased items can be refnded like skins - emotes - icons bought in RP currency )
31 . Able_refnds_RP ( will show how much RP you will get from every refnd from last line example like how much for every item with RP currency cost in your inventory refnds )
32 . Soloq_number_mmr ( will show your acc soloq mode mmr as number )
33 . Soloq_rank_mmr ( will show your acc soloq mode mmr as rank )
34 . Flex_number_mmr ( will show your acc flex mode mmr as number )
35 . Flex_rank_mmr ( will show your acc flex mode mmr as rank )
36 . Normal_number_mmr ( will show your acc normal mode mmr as number )
37 . Normal_rank_mmr ( will show your acc normal mode mmr as rank )
38 . Aram_number_mmr ( will show your acc aram mode mmr as number )
39 . Aram_rank_mmr ( will show your acc aram mode mmr as rank )
* How to use and can i see a proof of it working ?
Ce lien n'est pas visible, veuillez vous connecter pour l'afficher. Je m'inscris!
* Important things you should know before buying :-
Riot added hcaptcha to auth & require hcaptcha solver you can use third party services or use my own solver you can check in my profile there's 2 kinds of it depending on what you want , you can use now only 1 bot on checking like humans currently with small delay between checks and it can work fine without any proplems or rate limits from riot server side like in the video using your ip address without worries , proxy part is dead right now , now the checker will work slowely but still working and worth
now everything is obvious if you require any help you have to be in contact with me later .
* How much & what is available plan for it ?
3 $ = day
18 $ = week
60 $ = month ( checker + solver ) for all plans
those prices in above including my own silent solver as package ( checker + solver ) , if you gonna use something else like other solver or another third party services here you are cheaper prices option then :-
2 $ = day
11 $ = week
30 $ = month ( checker only ) for all plans
Through crypto or Paypal .
* How i could contact you ?
you can simply dm me here on fourms or via discord : khaled.mohamed
stay safe.
how are you doing today ? hope everything is ok with all of you
im selling today league of legends insane checker

it capture most of league acc info like this details explain
1 . full_name ( account name + tag of new riot system to nicks )
2 . Level ( level of the account )
3 . Email ( showing true for verified acc and false for unverified one )
4 . Region ( server of the acc like euw eune na )
5 . Creation date ( the date of account creation with day month year hours seconds all those info included )
6 . Country ( the acc country that used in account creation process )
7 . Previous_ban_reasons ( if the acc got any old penalties )
8 . Current_restrictions ( if the acc got any recent penalty with details of them , the check will go to fail if the acc got perma banned )
9 . Current_ban_reason ( if the acc got recent penalty and still going on like a time ban suspend 2 weeks and it will go to custom check tab so u know they are temp suspended not perma )
10 . Ban_expire_date ( will show the expire date for the penalty like last line example 2 weeks suspend ended in = will show fully info with day month year hours seconds )
11 . Last_played ( will show you the last played time with days like 30 days ago , good for decide active and inactive accs )
12 . Previous_seasons_ranks_soloq ( showing soloq achieved old ranks for the acc per seasons or splits )
13 . Previous_seasons_ranks_flex ( showing flex achieved old ranks for the acc per seasons or splits )
14 . Average_enemies ( the ranks you will face in matches with the acc )
15 . Soloq_rank ( current soloq rank or blank )
16 . Flex_rank ( current flex rank or blank )
17 . Wins_soloq ( number of wins in soloq mode with the acc like 10 games win )
18 . Losses_soloq ( number of losses in soloq mode with the acc like 5 games lose )
19 . Wins_flex ( number of wins in flex mode with the acc like 9 games win )
20 . Losses_flex ( number of wins in flex mode with the acc like 4 games lose )
21 . RP ( capture RP amount on the acc )
22 . BlueEssence ( capture BE amount on the acc )
23 . Total_champions ( count of champs owned on acc )
24 . Champs ( details of owned champs on acc like example : Zyra , Zilean )
25 . Total_skins ( count of skins owned on acc )
26 . Skins ( details of owned skins on acc like example : Reverse Annie, Woad Ashe, Foxfire Ahri )
27 . refnds_remaining ( the refnds remaining on the acc for bought champs )
28 . Able_refnds_count_BlueEssence ( if there's 2 champs on ur refnds inventory it will count as 2 refnds available in BE game currency )
29 . Able_refnds_BlueEssence ( will show how much BE you will get from every refnds from last line example like that ( 450 , 1350 ) in total of 2 refnds depending on champs prices )
30 . Able_refnds_count_RP ( same idea of point .28 but for purchased items can be refnded like skins - emotes - icons bought in RP currency )
31 . Able_refnds_RP ( will show how much RP you will get from every refnd from last line example like how much for every item with RP currency cost in your inventory refnds )
32 . Soloq_number_mmr ( will show your acc soloq mode mmr as number )
33 . Soloq_rank_mmr ( will show your acc soloq mode mmr as rank )
34 . Flex_number_mmr ( will show your acc flex mode mmr as number )
35 . Flex_rank_mmr ( will show your acc flex mode mmr as rank )
36 . Normal_number_mmr ( will show your acc normal mode mmr as number )
37 . Normal_rank_mmr ( will show your acc normal mode mmr as rank )
38 . Aram_number_mmr ( will show your acc aram mode mmr as number )
39 . Aram_rank_mmr ( will show your acc aram mode mmr as rank )
* How to use and can i see a proof of it working ?
Ce lien n'est pas visible, veuillez vous connecter pour l'afficher. Je m'inscris!
* Important things you should know before buying :-
Riot added hcaptcha to auth & require hcaptcha solver you can use third party services or use my own solver you can check in my profile there's 2 kinds of it depending on what you want , you can use now only 1 bot on checking like humans currently with small delay between checks and it can work fine without any proplems or rate limits from riot server side like in the video using your ip address without worries , proxy part is dead right now , now the checker will work slowely but still working and worth
now everything is obvious if you require any help you have to be in contact with me later .
* How much & what is available plan for it ?
3 $ = day
18 $ = week
60 $ = month ( checker + solver ) for all plans
those prices in above including my own silent solver as package ( checker + solver ) , if you gonna use something else like other solver or another third party services here you are cheaper prices option then :-
2 $ = day
11 $ = week
30 $ = month ( checker only ) for all plans
Through crypto or Paypal .
* How i could contact you ?
you can simply dm me here on fourms or via discord : khaled.mohamed
stay safe.
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