beginners guide for flatybot


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Jan 28, 2020

Today I found out about flaty bot and I would like to use it to harvest a mass of resources to level up my harvest proffesions on ilyazelle. I don't have alot of time to play the game because of a 40 hour job that I have. There is only one thing that keeps me away from starting to use flatybot. I have no knowledge whatsoever about bots and how they work, so also not how to make a script (if that's how flatybot works.) I also have no clue what software I need to be able to make it work. Ofcourse am I willing to pay for a bot to harvest resources. Is there someone out here that could help me with making a bot? I would really appreciate it! :)

The proffesions I would like to level are: farmer, hunter and alchemist, all to level 200. This is the situation right now:

Hunter : level 30
Farmer : level 55
alchemist: level 33

I don't understand a single sentence of french. I found a tutorial, but I think I would have plenty of questions while doing the tutorial.

I hope someone will help me out with my '' journey '' = P
