Fonctionnalité (tiré du site )
Aimbot - Automatically aim at players.
Auto-Shoot - Makes the aimbot automatically shoot when it’s locked onto a target.
Auto-Pistol - Makes pistols fire like automatic weapons.
pSilent - Hides the aimbot completely. The aimbot is hidden for you, other players, and sourceTV/GOTV.
No-Sticky - Makes the aimbot stick less to players.
RCS - RCS “Recoil Control System” controls the recoil for you whenever you shoot using the aimbot.
RCS Min Distance - The minimum distance to the target for the RCS to control your recoil.
RCS Max Distance - The maximum distance the RCS will control the recoil for you.
PSC - PSC “Predictive spread control” predicts the spread then corrects your aim accordingly.
PSC Min Distance - The minimum distance to the target for the PSC to control your spread.
PSC Max Distance - The maximum distance the PSC will control the spread for you.
PSC Time - The time PSC will predict into the future.
Humanize - Make the aimbot aiming slightly variate resembling a human player.
Human Speed - Control the speed that the human aimbot operates at.
Human Scale - Controls the size of the area that Humanize will randomly aim in when locked onto a target.
Aim Speed - Controls the speed the aimbot aims at.
Aim Delay - Controls the amount of time before the aimbot starts aiming.
Team - Controls which team the aimbot aims at.
Hitbox - Choose which hitbox the aimbot aims at.
Target By - Controls how the aimbot targets players.
FOV - Limits the aimbot to only aim if a player is within the set FOV.
TriggerBot :
Triggerbot - Automatically shoots when you’re able to hit a player.
Triggerwall - Makes the triggerbot shoot through penetrable walls.
Triggerseed - This will correct the “seed” so the triggerbot gets a much bigger chance at hitting someone.
Filter - Choose what hitboxes the triggerbot shoots at.
ESP - Draw information on screen a player normally wouldn’t know.
Name - Draw player names.
Weapon - Draw player weapons.
Hitbox - Draw player hitboxes.
Crosses - Draw a cross on the hitbox you’ve selected for aimbot.
Distance - Draw distance to players.
Grenades - Draw ESP on grenades.
Ground - Draw ESP on dropped weapons.
Bomb - Draw time left till explosion on bomb/c4
Light - Make players emit a light.
Tracking - Draw trails after players and grenades.
Box - Draw a box around players.
Health - Draw player’s health. (Numbers or a bar)
Sound - Draw words or squares when players make noise.
Radar - Draw a cheat radar that shows location of players.
Labels - Draw player names and item names on the cheat radar.
Items - Draw items on the cheat radar.
Shots - Draw weapon names where player’s shoot.
Impacts - Draw a small box where player bullets hit.
Footsteps - Draw “STEP” where the player walks, if their walking is making noise.
Font - Choose any font from your computer to use for the ESP.
Monitor - Draw the monitor window that shows: Recoil, Speed, Sound
Recoil Indicator - Draw a crosshair that shows where your bullets will hit according to the recoil.
Chams - Make player models a solid color, like a chameleon.
Wallhack - Make player models draw through walls. Needs chams enabled to work.
Wire Models - Make player models wireframe.
No Hands - Disable drawing of hands.
Wire Hands - Make hands wireframe.
Coloured Hands - Colours your hands.
Chams Mode - Control how the chams will act. (Normal chams, health chams, or rainbow chams)
Flash Alpha - Control how much you get flashed. Goes from 0 alpha to 255 alpha.
No sky - Disable the sky.
White walls - Make the walls white.
Night mode - Make the walls darker to resemble it being night.
Transparent walls - Make walls transparent.
Aimbot key - Bind the aimbot to a key.
Aim+Trig key - Bind the aimbot and triggerbot to a key.
Triggerbot key - Bind the triggerbot to a key.
Panic key - Disables ALL features on press. Will not re-enable features when pressed again, enabling features have to be done manually.
Bunnyhop - Automatically jumps for you when you hit the ground.
Auto strafer - Automatically strafes (Press A and D) for you when you’re in the air.
In-game menu - Adjust the way the cheat works while being in-game.
Key binder - Assign any key to perform hack functions.