Chod's v2


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Membre Banni
May 11, 2014
BONJOUR - BONSOIR , je vous présente Chod's l'aimbot du futur vous verrez ! enfin la version cracké .

" c'est une arnaque c impossible " bla bla bla parlez moi j'mets des têtes. x)

L'anti virus va péter un plomb ce qui est normal car avec tout les cheats meme le x22 ou organner ça le fait donc avant de me dire que ça ne fonctionne pas enlever votre anti virus merci.

screen : Ce lien n'est pas visible, veuillez vous connecter pour l'afficher. Je m'inscris!

Ce lien n'est pas visible, veuillez vous connecter pour l'afficher. Je m'inscris!

Lien : Ce lien n'est pas visible, veuillez vous connecter pour l'afficher. Je m'inscris!

Bon jeu à tous :D et la prochaine fois c'est pour cs go !!!

A bientôt
Last edited:


Membre Banni
May 11, 2014
Fonctionnalité (tiré du site )


Aimbot - Automatically aim at players.
Auto-Shoot - Makes the aimbot automatically shoot when it’s locked onto a target.
Auto-Pistol - Makes pistols fire like automatic weapons.
pSilent - Hides the aimbot completely. The aimbot is hidden for you, other players, and sourceTV/GOTV.
No-Sticky - Makes the aimbot stick less to players.
RCS - RCS “Recoil Control System” controls the recoil for you whenever you shoot using the aimbot.
RCS Min Distance - The minimum distance to the target for the RCS to control your recoil.
RCS Max Distance - The maximum distance the RCS will control the recoil for you.
PSC - PSC “Predictive spread control” predicts the spread then corrects your aim accordingly.
PSC Min Distance - The minimum distance to the target for the PSC to control your spread.
PSC Max Distance - The maximum distance the PSC will control the spread for you.
PSC Time - The time PSC will predict into the future.
Humanize - Make the aimbot aiming slightly variate resembling a human player.
Human Speed - Control the speed that the human aimbot operates at.
Human Scale - Controls the size of the area that Humanize will randomly aim in when locked onto a target.
Aim Speed - Controls the speed the aimbot aims at.
Aim Delay - Controls the amount of time before the aimbot starts aiming.
Team - Controls which team the aimbot aims at.
Hitbox - Choose which hitbox the aimbot aims at.
Target By - Controls how the aimbot targets players.
FOV - Limits the aimbot to only aim if a player is within the set FOV.

TriggerBot :

Triggerbot - Automatically shoots when you’re able to hit a player.
Triggerwall - Makes the triggerbot shoot through penetrable walls.
Triggerseed - This will correct the “seed” so the triggerbot gets a much bigger chance at hitting someone.
Filter - Choose what hitboxes the triggerbot shoots at.


ESP - Draw information on screen a player normally wouldn’t know.
Name - Draw player names.
Weapon - Draw player weapons.
Hitbox - Draw player hitboxes.
Crosses - Draw a cross on the hitbox you’ve selected for aimbot.
Distance - Draw distance to players.
Grenades - Draw ESP on grenades.
Ground - Draw ESP on dropped weapons.
Bomb - Draw time left till explosion on bomb/c4
Light - Make players emit a light.
Tracking - Draw trails after players and grenades.
Box - Draw a box around players.
Health - Draw player’s health. (Numbers or a bar)
Sound - Draw words or squares when players make noise.
Radar - Draw a cheat radar that shows location of players.
Labels - Draw player names and item names on the cheat radar.
Items - Draw items on the cheat radar.
Shots - Draw weapon names where player’s shoot.
Impacts - Draw a small box where player bullets hit.
Footsteps - Draw “STEP” where the player walks, if their walking is making noise.
Font - Choose any font from your computer to use for the ESP.
Monitor - Draw the monitor window that shows: Recoil, Speed, Sound
Recoil Indicator - Draw a crosshair that shows where your bullets will hit according to the recoil.


Chams - Make player models a solid color, like a chameleon.
Wallhack - Make player models draw through walls. Needs chams enabled to work.
Wire Models - Make player models wireframe.
No Hands - Disable drawing of hands.
Wire Hands - Make hands wireframe.
Coloured Hands - Colours your hands.
Chams Mode - Control how the chams will act. (Normal chams, health chams, or rainbow chams)
Flash Alpha - Control how much you get flashed. Goes from 0 alpha to 255 alpha.
No sky - Disable the sky.
White walls - Make the walls white.
Night mode - Make the walls darker to resemble it being night.
Transparent walls - Make walls transparent.


Aimbot key - Bind the aimbot to a key.
Aim+Trig key - Bind the aimbot and triggerbot to a key.
Triggerbot key - Bind the triggerbot to a key.
Panic key - Disables ALL features on press. Will not re-enable features when pressed again, enabling features have to be done manually.
Bunnyhop - Automatically jumps for you when you hit the ground.
Auto strafer - Automatically strafes (Press A and D) for you when you’re in the air.


In-game menu - Adjust the way the cheat works while being in-game.
Key binder - Assign any key to perform hack functions.