Aide COD-BO1 Problème avec New External Hack 1.6.1


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Sep 19, 2010
Problème avec New External Hack 1.6.1


Bonjour après plus d'une heure de test et de modification je n'arrive pas à faire fonctionner ce cheat et ne trouvant pas de réponse méttant favorable ,je vous demande aide sachant que je suis sous windows (X86) et que je tourne sous amd athlon 2
Lorsque je lance le logiciel puis par la suite call of duty black ops en mode fenêtre rien ne ce passe.
Merci devotre compréhension .

et voici ce que votre cheat affiche :

External Hack version 1.6.1 by sph4ck
for COD7 BlackOps
- works on Vista/Win7 with Aero theme activated

Waiting for BlackOps game...
COD7 game found.
Found process ID: 6992
Resolution: 800 x 600, pos: 102x37x908x665
sensitivity found: 0x7ffdd5
cgs_t found: 0x5ff870
cg_t found: 0x67cdf0
weapons found: 0x4d44d0
entities found: 0x5e98b0
helis found: 0x5211f0
Found CG_T ptr 0xd2c798 and 0x0, should be 0x2b398100
Calculated REFDEF 0x42ec0, should be 0x2b3dafc0
Found CGS_T ptr 0xd2c768 and 0x0, should be 0x2b409700
Found ENTITIES ptr 0xd2f98c and 0x0, should be 0x2b4840dc
Calculated CLIENTINFO 0x-8cff4, should be 0x2b3f70e8
Game not completely loaded, waiting for 2 seconds
Found CG_T ptr 0xd2c798 and 0x2b398100, should be 0x2b398100
Calculated REFDEF 0x2b3dafc0, should be 0x2b3dafc0
Found CGS_T ptr 0xd2c768 and 0x2b409700, should be 0x2b409700
Found ENTITIES ptr 0xd2f98c and 0x2b4840dc, should be 0x2b4840dc
Calculated CLIENTINFO 0x2b3f70e8, should be 0x2b3f70e8
Sensitivity DVAR found 0xe3cc54, should be 0xe3cc54
Found Weapons 0xc5e218, should be 0xc5e218
Found DOG_T 0xc76038, should be 0xc76038
Found RXCD_T 0xc75e78, should be 0xc75e78
Found HELI_T 0xc76ab8, should be 0xc76ab8
===> All offsets seem ok.
Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\dorian\Desktop\Dofus name\dofus name\Python27\lib\"
, line 530, in __bootstrap_inner
File "C:\Users\dorian\Desktop\Dofus name\dofus name\Python27\lib\"
, line 483, in run
self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
File "C:\Users\dorian\Desktop\Dofus name\dofus name\Sph4ck\", line
124, in thread_window
File "C:\Users\dorian\Desktop\Dofus name\dofus name\Sph4ck\", line 102
, in init_create_window
oledll.Dwmapi.DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(self.hwnd, byref(MARGINS(-1, -1,
-1, -1)))
File "_ctypes/callproc.c", line 936, in GetResult
WindowsError: [Error -2144980991] {La composition du Bureau est dÚsactivÚe}
Impossible dÆeffectuer cette opÚration car la composition du Bureau est dÚsactiv

Application ending, cleaning up D3D
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\dorian\Desktop\Dofus name\dofus name\Sph4ck\", line
134, in launch
File "C:\Users\dorian\Desktop\Dofus name\dofus name\Sph4ck\", line
70, in init
File "C:\Users\dorian\Desktop\Dofus name\dofus name\Sph4ck\", line 133
, in init_d3d
self.d3d.CreateDevice(0, D3DDEVTYPE.HAL, self.hwnd, D3DCREATE.HARDWARE_VERTE
XPROCESSING, byref(params), byref(self.device))
COMError: (-2005530516, None, (None, None, None, 0, None))
Press [ENTER] to exit application
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