ASH Hack - Silent Money Drop and more incoming 1.37


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Apr 13, 2012
Yo guys, so I'll drop my little hack here. It's just a dll to drop bags of 2k money whenever you want wherever you want. I'm not using the Script Hook so basically this method is safe because it's the same as ped money drop (same value) but faster and you don't need to wait for peds to spawn. I'll work soon to spawn vehicles (I already did it) and a bit more.

Use any injector and inject it with MANUAL MAPPING.
One time you injected it just press NUMPAD 2 to enable/disable the drop.
You can close the hack pressing F8.

The "funny" thing of this "silent" drop it's that as it's name says, it's silent which means that other people won't see your bags neither they can't take them, but you'll receive the money anyways and it'll get registered on the server. This removes the chance to get reported while you're AFK using the hack (if you're on a public lobby of course).
EDIT: If you drop while you run some drops will appear to others players sometimes.

Main Features:
-Full God Mode
-Invisible Player
-Never Wanted
-Super Jump
-Explosive Melee
-Fire Ammo
-Explosive Ammo
-Fix Vehicle
-Waypoint Teleport.
-Damage Modifier
-Vehicle Impulse: NUMPAD SUBTRACT to add impulse and NUMPAD ADD to stop the vehicle.
-Melee Damage: Mostly for funny stuff, when you hit a vehicle it'll fly away depending on what value you have in this option.

Drop Money: With differents models of drop. ONLY SOCIAL CLUB VERSION
Pickups Spawner: Weapons, ammo etc.
Vehicle Spawner: Almost all vehicles except most new ones which I have to add in following updates.
Explosion Spawner: Spawn only in your position for now but I have plans for this feature.
Ped / Bodyguards Spawner: Spawn bodyguards with SMG or animals with it (lol). I also have future plans for this feature.

-Only for Social Club and I won't update it to Steam (for the money feature only), I'm sorry...
-Needs to be fullscreen windowed or windowed.
-F4 to open/close the menu GUI.
-Keep the name of the hack as "ASH Hack.dll".
-Keep the injector and the hack in same directory.

-@Sheogorath for sharing CreatePickup function and another one.
-@stevemk14ebr like always, his PLH library. Too many mentions for you in my threads
-@Extropian for telling me how to set the vehicle owner for most of the vehicles.
-@simms for the native invoker.

virus scan
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Virus scan du fichier (sc ) (je vais pas tous les tester sont déjà approuver par UnKnoWnCheaTs )
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Ce lien n'est pas visible, veuillez vous connecter pour l'afficher. Je m'inscris!

Change Log (16/12/2016)
-Teleport to player added.
-Game speed modification between 0 and 1. (clientsided)
-Ability to change weather. (clientsided)
-Fast Tazer.
-New special vehicles spawner.
-Money drop fixed, it spawns better without crashes. Recommended to do it when you're AFK.
-This feature is the best for me, you can use the Rocket Voltic with infinite boost pressing the E key, boost will be enabled while you press E and it'll stop when you stop pressing E.]
-Keep the name of the hack as "ASH Hack.dll".
-Keep the injector and the hack in same directory.
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Jan 2, 2015
A quoi ça sert de mettre un virus total pour un fichier zip si celui-ci n'arrive même pas à scanner le contenu !
