Windows BlackBird: Debarassez-vous d'une partie du tracking sous Windows


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La Voix de la Sagesse
Ancien staff
Apr 28, 2010
Vous le savez surement déjà mais Windows a décidé de tracker ses utilisateurs. Ce tracking non seulement envahit votre vie privé, mais il arrive aussi qu'il consomme des performances. Nous pouvons rappeler la mise à jour de décembre de Telemetry qui bouffait 100% en écriture sur le disque dur par exemple.
Alors comment faire pour récupérer une partie de cette vie prive perdue?


Aujourd'hui, je vous présente donc Blackbird. Ceux d'entre vous qui suivent Ce lien n'est pas visible, veuillez vous connecter pour l'afficher. Je m'inscris!ou encore Ce lien n'est pas visible, veuillez vous connecter pour l'afficher. Je m'inscris! connaissent déjà ce logiciel bien sympathique.
Celui-ci permet en effet de désinstaller la plupart des trackers (et mises a jour concernées), tâches planifiées, services, ... en un seul clic.

Une longue description n'est pas nécessaire puisque le logiciel possède sa propre documentation sur le site.

Vous pouvez télécharger Blackbird et lire la documentation gratuitement sur Ce lien n'est pas visible, veuillez vous connecter pour l'afficher. Je m'inscris!


• CrG •

The Power Is In Your Hand
Jan 30, 2016
Ce genre de logiciel c'est de la camelote, ça crash au lancement, ça ajoute des trackers d'ios de google et cie en 1 mot c'est la merde.


Sait on jamais :

- Double-click blackbird.exe,
- Click Yes if prompted by UAC,
- Blackbird will perform a quick security scan (green means good - red means bad),
- Press any key to apply,
- Reboot the computer when it's finished. All done.

(OPTIONAL) -- Blocking custom hosts
- Write the hostnames or IP addresses (ipv4/ipv6) in a text file called HOSTS.TXT
(IMPORTANT: Each host must be placed in it's own line),
- Put the file in the same directory as the Blackbird executable,
- Run Blackbird normally.

It will automatically search for the hosts.txt file at Blackbird startup, notifying the user accordingly, and resolve/block all hosts listed when Blackbird is applied.
Ignores lines beginning with # and any empty spaces. Hosts.txt file example:

#This is a comment.
#Each host must be placed in it's own line, like so:
#end of example.

Note: IPv6 addressing is currently limited internally to /128 prefix range. You can only block single hosts by using the hosts.txt method. Working on it though.

Q: Blackbird is stuck/hangs/crashes.
A: It takes a while (up to 1h on older CPUs) but if you're sure it's stuck, close blackbird, open cmd as admin, cd to the directory where you put the blackbird.exe file.
Type blackbird -v and hit enter. This should give you a more detailed view of what's going on.

Q: Blackbird shows errors like "access denied", "unable to read file", "system error"...
A: This is normal, especially under W10. Try closing and running Blackbird again, this somehow forces Windows to behave. Not sure why.

Q: My antivirus reports Blackbird as malware.
A: This seems to mostly happen with the 32bit version but we assure you, it's a false-positive. Use the 64bit version if possible, AVs seem to like it more for some reason.
We suspect this occurs because of the nature and relative obscurity of our software (registry editing,telemetry dismantling,..) Some temporary files are created during usage but they are all deleted before you even exit the program.

Q: After running Blackbird I have problems connecting to my LAN. Do you even test, bro?
A: Blackbird, by default, applies some security tweaks (SMB user credentials leaking in this case) that may interfere with some networks. To fix LAN connectivity issues simply run Blackbird with the -L switch:
In CMD type blackbird -L after Blackbird has already been applied to your PC.

Q: Startup scanner shows red stuff even after applying Blackbird. Why?
A: The scanner is a little wonky, it may detect Blackbird was not fully applied for any of the following reasons:
- No internet connection. Either blocked by firewall or not available on your PC, Blackbird cannot resolve hostnames to IP addresses and block them effectively, resulting in "Telemetry=Not Blocked".
- An aggressive AV blocked Blackbird from accessing system files/registry/settings. Not much we can do here, go with your gut.
- Certain Scheduled tasks are stubborn. Use the -STD switch to remove them.
- An update turned stuff back on. Check our website for an up-to-date version.
- Localization/other bugs with the scanner itself. Help us fix it by contacting us!

Q: I don't like what Blackbird did to my computer. How do I change it back?
A: Start cmd as administrator, cd to the directory where you put the blackbird.exe file,
type blackbird -R and press enter.
This will run Blackbird in Recovery Mode and will restore all changes made by Blackbird back to their default Microsoft values.
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• CrG •

The Power Is In Your Hand
Jan 30, 2016