I am sharing with you a generic script that can be used on any item and will focus any remaining sink to first improve Air damage and Water damage - you should customize which damages you want to improve.
It can be customized for other stats of course.
I am sharing with you a generic script that can be used on any item and will focus any remaining sink to first improve Air damage and Water damage - you should customize which damages you want to improve.
It can be customized for other stats of course.
using System;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Inkybot.Dofus;
using Inkybot.Dofus.Contracts;
using Inkybot.Dofus.Domain;
namespace Script
public class ImproveDamagesFirstMagingAI : CustomDofusMagingAI
// Should the bot use the sink using it's default behavior?
protected override bool ShouldPerfectStats =>
!ShouldImproveAirDamageWithSink &&
private bool ShouldImproveAirDamageWithSink => Sink >= 6 && IsAirDamageNotAtMaximum;
private bool ShouldImproveWaterDamageWithSink => Sink >= 6 && IsWaterDamageNotAtMaximum;
private bool IsAirDamageNotAtMaximum =>
Item.Stats[Stat.AirDamage]?.Value < Item.Stats[Stat.AirDamage]?.Max;
private bool IsWaterDamageNotAtMaximum =>
Item.Stats[Stat.WaterDamage]?.Value < Item.Stats[Stat.WaterDamage]?.Max;
protected override IAction Resolve() =>
protected override ItemMage? BeforeExoRune(ItemMage proposedMage) {
if (ShouldImproveAirDamageWithSink) {
return ItemMage(new Rune(Stat.AirDamage, Rune.RuneType.Sm));
if (ShouldImproveWaterDamageWithSink) {
return ItemMage(new Rune(Stat.WaterDamage, Rune.RuneType.Sm));
return null;