Liste des items ordonnée


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Membre actif
Sep 13, 2010
Salut a tous je vous donne ici une grande partie des items avec leur Id pour vos serveur flyff !

22500 Epée Ancestrale
22501 Glaive Ancestral
22502 Hache Ancestrale
22503 Doloire Ancestrale
22504 Poing Ancestral
22505 Sceptre Ancestral
22506 Baguette Ancestrale
22507 Bâton Ancestral
22509 Arc Ancestral
22508 Yo-yo Ancestral


20158 Epée cristalline de Luzaka
20159 Glaive cristallin de Luzaka
20160 Hache cristalline de Luzaka
20161 Doloire cristallin de Luzaka
20162 Poing cristallin de Luzaka
20163 Sceptre cristallin de Luzaka
20164 Baguette cristalline de Luzaka
20165 Bâton cristallin de Luzaka
20166 Arc cristallin de Luzaka
20167 Yo-yo cristallin de Luzaka


20148 Epée de Luzaka
20149 Glaive de Luzaka
20150 Hache de Luzaka
20151 Doloire de Luzaka
20152 Poing de Luzaka
20153 Sceptre de Luzaka
20154 Baguette de Luzaka
20155 Bâton de Luzaka
20156 Arc de Luzaka
20157 Yo-yo de Luzaka

------------------------------Armes sanguinaires------------------------

Epee sanguinaire : .item 22354
Hache sanguinaire : .item 22356

Poing sanguinaire : .item 22358
Spetre sanguinaire : .item 22359

Yo-Yo sanguinaire : .item 22362
Arc sanguinaire : .item 22363

Baton sanguinaire : .item 22361
Baguette sanguinaire : .item 22360

Doloire sanguinaire : .item 22357
Glaive sanguinaire : .item 22355

-------------------------Armes sanguinaires Ultimes------------------

Epee sanguinaire Ultime : .item 22372
Hache sanguinaire Ultime : .item 22382

Poing sanguinaire Ultime : .item 22392
Spetre sanguinaire Ultime : .item 22397

Yo-Yo sanguinaire Ultime : .item 22407
Arc sanguinaire Ultime : .item 22402

Baton sanguinaire Ultime : .item 22417
Baguette sanguinaire Ultime : .item 22412

Doloire sanguinaire Ultime : .item 22387
Glaive sanguinaire Ultime : .item 22377

---------------------------Armes légendaires-------------------------

Epee légendaire : .item 22029
Hache légendaire : .item 22037

Poing légendaire : .item 22045
Spetre légendaire : .item 22049

Yo-Yo légendaire : .item 22057
Arc légendaire : .item 22053

Baton légendaire : .item 22065
Baguette légendaire : .item 22061

Doloire légendaire : .item 22041
Glaive légendaire : .item 22033

--------------------Armes légendaires Ultimes----------------------

Epee légendaire Ultime : .item 22371
Hache légendaire Ultime : .item 22381

Poing légendaire Ultime : .item 22391
Spetre légendaire Ultime : .item 22396

Yo-Yo légendaire Ultime : .item 22406
Arc légendaire Ultime : .item 22401

Baton légendaire Ultime : .item 22416
Baguette légendaire Ultime : .item 22411

Doloire légendaire Ultime : .item 22386
Glaive légendaire Ultime : .item 22376

---------------------------Armes célèstes-------------------------

Epee célèste : .item 22028
Hache célèste : .item 22036

Poing célèste : .item 22044
Spetre célèste : .item 22048

Yo-Yo célèste : .item 22056
Arc célèste : .item 22052

Baton célèste : .item 22064
Baguette célèste : .item 22060

Doloire célèste : .item 22040
Glaive célèste : .item 22032

----------------------Armes célèstes Ultimes----------------------

Epee célèste Ultime : .item 22370
Hache célèste Ultime : .item 22380

Poing célèste Ultime : .item 22390
Spetre célèste Ultime : .item 22395

Yo-Yo célèste Ultime : .item 22405
Arc célèste Ultime : .item 22400

Baton célèste Ultime : .item 22415
Baguette célèste Ultime : .item 22410

Doloire célèste Ultime : .item 22385
Glaive célèste Ultime : .item 22375

---------------------------Armes Historiques-------------------------

Epee historique : .item 22027
Hache historique : .item 22035

Poing historique : .item 22043
Spetre historique : .item 22047

Yo-Yo historique : .item 22055
Arc historique : .item 22051

Baton historique : .item 22063
Baguette historique : .item 22059

Doloire historique : .item 22039
Glaive historique : .item 22031

-----------------------Armes Historiques Ultimes---------------------

Epee historique Ultime : .item 22369
Hache historique Ultime : .item 22379

Poing historique Ultime : .item 22389
Spetre historique Ultime : .item 22394

Yo-Yo historique Ultime : .item 22404
Arc historique Ultime : .item 22399

Baton historique Ultime : .item 22414
Baguette historique Ultime : .item 22409

Doloire historique Ultime : .item 22384
Glaive historique Ultime : .item 22374

---------------------------------Armes du G-------------------------------

Epee du G : .item 22026
Hache du G : .item 22034

Poing du G : .item 22042
Spetre du G : .item 22046

Yo-Yo du G : .item 22054
Arc du G : .item 22050

Baton du G : .item 22062
Baguette du G : .item 22058

Doloire du G : .item 22038
Glaive du G : .item 22030

------------------------------Armes du G Ultimes---------------------------

Epee du G Ultime : .item 22368
Hache du G Ultime : .item 20378

Poing du G Ultime : .item 22388
Spetre du G Ultime : .item 22393

Yo-Yo du G Ultime : .item 22403
Arc du G Ultime : .item 22398

Baton du G Ultime : .item 22413
Baguette du G Ultime : .item 22408

Doloire du G Ultime : .item 22383
Glaive du G Ultime : .item 22373

------------------------------Armes Ancestrales-------------------------------

Epee ancestrale : .item 22500
Hache ancestrale : .item 22502

Poing ancestrale : .item 22504
Spetre ancestrale : .item 22505

Yo-Yo ancestrale : .item 22508
Arc ancestrale : .item 22509

Baton ancestrale : .item 22507
Baguette ancestrale : .item 22506

Doloire ancestrale : .item 22503
Glaive ancestrale : .item 22501

--------------------------------Armes Vampiriques-----------------------------

Epee vampirique : .item 22510
Hache vampirique : .item 22512

Poing vampirique : .item 22514
Spetre vampirique : .item 22515

Yo-Yo vampirique : .item 22519
Arc vampirique : .item 22518

Baton vampirique : .item 22517
Baguette vampirique : .item 22516

Doloire vampirique : .item 22513
Glaive vampirique : .item 22511
Bébé Dr Koatson : 21085
Bébé Esprit d'Arzia : 21084
Bébé Doberman : 21083
Bébé Fenek : 21082
Bébé Mordillos (Buffeur) : 21081
Bébé Perroquet : 21080
Bébé Taiga (Jaune) : 21079
Bébé Taiga Bleu : 21078
Bébé Taiga Rouge : 21077
Bébé Lapin Blanc : 21087

-Lawolf ID: 21000
-Aibatt ID: 21001
-Leyena ID: 21002
-Luia ID: 21003
-Chiot ID: 21004
-Chat ID: 21005
-Pinguin ID: 21026
-Iguane ID: 21027
-Cobra ID: 21028
-Hamburger ID: 21051
-Tortu ID: 21052
-Vachette ID: 21054
-Hamster ID: 21057
-Dragonnet ID: 21056
-Mia ID: 21065
-Bulldog ID: 21069
Feu A 26597
Eau A 26601
Air A 26605
Foudre A 26609
Terre A 26613
Capes :

26426 (Cape Symbole)
26536 (Cape d'honneur)
26535 (Cape Draconique)
10273 (Cape de grande Puissance)
10274 (Cape de grande Harmonin)
10275 (Cape de grande sagesse)
10841 (Cape de grande vélociter)
10482 (Cape de puissance)
10483 (Cape de l'harmonie)
10484 (Cape de vélociter)
10485 (Cape de sagesse)
4700 (Cape de vitaliter)
4701 (Cape de seréniter)
4702 (Cape ténébreuse)
4703 (Cape du dragon)
4704 (Cape du dragon valeureux)
4705 (Cape du dragon intrepide)
4706 (Cape du dragon insisible)
4707 (Cape du souverain)

Masques :

4439 (FOR+5)
4430 (END+5)
4431 (INT+5)
16173 (DEX+5)

Lunettes :

4432 (Lunette de soleil fashion rouges HP+150 MP+150)
4433 (Lunette de soleil fashion oranges PM+150 FP+150)
4434 (Lunette de soleil fashion vertes HP+150 FP+150)
4435 (Lunette de soleil (noires) HP+50 PM+50)
4436 (Lunette de soleil (Blanches) PM+150 FP+150)
4437 (Lunette de soleil (Rouges) HP+100 MP+100)
4438 (Lunette de soleil (Bleues) PF+100 HP+100)
4439 (Lunette (rouges)PF+150 HP+150)
4440 (Lunette (Jaunes) MP+150 FP+150)
4441 (Lunette (Noires) HP+50 PM+50)
4442 (Lunette (Poupres) HP+150 PM+150)
4443 (Lunette (Vertes) PM+70 FP+70)
4444 (Mini lunettes (Blanches) FP+100 HP+100)
4445 (Mini lunettes (Rouges) HP+100 PM+100)
4446 (Mini lunettes (Bleues) PM+100 FP+100)

Parchemins et autres:

10474 (Parchemin de grande maitrise X2)
10473 (Parchemin de maitrise)
10469 (Parchemin de transfert)
10477 (Parchemin de savoir-faire)
10468 (Parchemin Sfusion)
10489 (Parchemin Efusion)
10432 (Parchemin de vivaciter)
10215 (Parchemin de groupe)
21034 (Elexir pour familier)
20039 (Parchemin de nom de famillier)
10211 (Parchemin de statistiques)
10434 (Parchemin de compétances)
26477 (Sac d'inventaire)
2034 (Ori scintillant)
26456 (Périns)
26463 (Bénédiction de la déesse)
26462 (Parchemin de léthargies)
26458 (Parchemin de réduc-5)
26459 (Parchemin de réduc-10)
10463 (Parchemin renome nom de guilde)
10425 (Parchemin changement de classe)
10424 (Parchemin renome le nom du joueur)
10464 (Parchemin Sprotect)
10465 (Parchemin Gprotect)
26473 (Parchemin Aprotect)
10488 (Parchemin Sprotect ultime)
10212 (Parchemin Hurlement 15j)
10213 (Parchemin Hurlement 30j)
10214 (Parchemin Déploiement 15j)
10215 (Parchemin Déploiement 30j)
26200 (Parchemin de groupe)
10216 (Parchemin compte commun 15j)
10217 (Parchemin compte commun 30j)
10218 (Parchemin de combo)
10220 (Parchemin de morphologie)
30015 (Parchemin d'intelligence)
30013 (Parchemin Dextérité)
30012 (Parchemin Force)
30014 (Parchemin Endurence)
21031 (Parchemin miracle du familier)
21030 (Parchemin de ranaissance du familier)

Parchemin de statistique :

30154 (INT)
30152 (DEX)
30153 (END)
30151 (FOR)

Bijoux :

2029 (Diamant)
2030 (Emeraude)
2031 (Saphir)
2032 (Ruby)
2033 (Topaze)

Cartes :

3218 (Carte Attaque 7%)
3223 (Carte défense 7%)
3208 (Carte HP+7%)
3213 (Carte MP+7%)
3228 (Carte FP+7%)

Tickets :

26529 (Ticket Arzia 7j)
26530 (Ticket Arzia 15j)
26558 (Ticket Arzia 24h)

26681 (Ticket Corail 24h)
26682 (Ticket Corail 15j)

Ailes :

5816 (Limousine du souverain)
5819 (Ailes Blanches)
5820 (Ailes Noires)
5821 (Ailes d'anges (Blanches)
5822 (Ailes d'archange (Blanches)
5823 (Planche Océan)
5824 (Planche Smiley)
5201 (Sylia hoverbique)
5005 (Hoverbique tonerre)
5004 (Hoverbique Hera)
20125 (Ailes de papillon rouges)
20126 (Ailes de papillon crèmes)
20127 (Ailes de papillon bleues
20128 (Ailes de papillon transparentes)
20129 (Ailes de libellule transparentes)

Bijoux :

26470 (Collier gore)
26468 (Boucle d'oreille demol)
26466 (Anneau Arek)
26467 (Anneau Intel)
26464 (Anneau Vigor)
26472 (Collier FP)
26471 (Coller PM)
26469 (Boucle d'oreille Plug)
26465 (Anneau Steam)

Ballon :

26443 (Ballon Jaune HP+150)
26442 (Ballon Bleu DEF+150)
26420 (Ballon ATQ+50)

Coupon :

26411 (Coupon de l'Institut de beauté)
26410 (Coupon de Salon de coiffure)

Perle V.15 :

Perle de l'arcaniste (Niv.1) 26859
Perle de parade (Niv.1) 26860
Parle de la barracade (Niv.1) 26861
Perle d'adresse (Niv.1) 26862
Perle du vent (Niv.1) 26863
Perle de précision (Niv.1) 26864
Perle de main preste (Niv.1) 26865
Perle de rétribution 26866
Perle de résilience (Niv.1 26867
Perle du thaumaturge (Niv.1 26868
Perle d'anticipation (Niv.1) 26869
Perle de patience (Niv.1) 26870
Perle vampirique (Niv.1) 26871
Perle de FOR (Niv.2) 26872
Perle de DEX (Niv.2) 26873
Perle d'INT (Niv.2) 26874
Perle d'END (Niv.2) 26875
Perle de brutalité (Niv.2) 26876
Perle de vive langue (Niv.2) 26877
Perle de l'arcaniste (Niv.2) 26878
Perle de parade (Niv.2) 26879
Perle de la barricade (Niv.2) 26880
Perle d'adresse (Niv.2) 26881
Perle d'autorité (Niv.2) 26882
Perle du vent (Niv.2) 26883
Perle de précision (Niv.2) 26884
Perle de main preste (Niv.2) 26885
Perle de rétribution (Niv.2) 26886
Perle de résilience (Niv.2) 26887
Perle du thaumaturge (Niv.2) 26888
Perle d'anticipation (Niv.2) 26889
Perle de patience (Niv.2) 26890
Perle vampirique (Niv.2) 26891
Perle du chasseur (Niv.2) 26892
Perle du guerrier (Niv.3) 26893
Perle du chevalier (Niv.3) 26894
Perle de bubble (Niv.3) 26895
Perle de Shade (Niv.3) 26896
Perle d'Ivills (Niv.3) 26897

Bijoux V.15 :

Anneau Vigor rubis 20211
Anneau Stam diamant 20212
Anneau Intel saphir 20213
Anneau Arek émeraude 20214
Boucle d'oreille Demol rubis 20215
Boucle d'oreille Plug diamant 20216
Collier Gore rubis 20217
Collier Mental saphir 20218
Collier Paison émeraude 20219
Collier Gore diamant 20220
Boucle d'oreille magiqe saphir 20221
Boucle d'oreille de jet émeraude 20222

Autre V.15 :

Crital (Niv.1) 20196
Officiel Phénixia 20124
Cape doux rêve 20121
Cape double dragons 20122
Cape Zen 20123
Elytre de guilde 20169
/ci (Invoquer un item)
/cn (Invoquer un monstre)
/ritem (Uper et élementariser son arme,armure) (Ex: /ritem 1 20 10 : mon arme sera Elémentariser en Feu +20 et up en 10) [1 = Feu] [2 = Eau] [3 = Foudre] [4 = Vent] [5 = Terre]
/onekill (Kill le mob en 1 coups)
/noonekill (Désactive le mode kill en 1 coups)
/invisible (Se mettre invisible)
/noinvisible (Désactiver le mode invisible)
/system (Envoyer une annonce)
/Mute + nom (Couper la parole à quelqu'un)
/petexp + % (Expérienté le familier)
/SkilllevelAll ( Se mettre tout les skills Lv.20)
/teleport (Téléporter dans un endroit)
/createguild (Se crée une guilde)
/InitSkillExp (Remet tout les skills à 0)
Flower Hair (M) Gold ID=26341

Flower Hair (M) Pink ID=26342

Flower Hair (M) Blue ID=26343

Bomb Hair (M) Brown ID=26344

Bomb Hair (M) Red ID=26345

Bomb Hair (M) Blue ID=26346

Splendid Whirlpool Hair (M) ID=26347

Passionate Whirlpool Hair (M) ID=26348

Elegant Whilpool Hair (M) ID=26349

Moussed Hair (M) Black ID=26350

Moussed Hair (M) Brown ID=26351

Moussed Hair (M) Green ID=26352

Cactus Hair (M) Gold ID=26353

Cactus Hair (M) Silver ID=26354

Cactus Hair (M) Red ID=26355

Mohawk (M) Brown ID=26356

Mohawk (M) Red ID=26357

Mohawk (M) Orange ID=26358

Luxury Hair (M) Black ID=26359
Hera ID: 5004
Sylia ID: 5201
Black panther ID: 5005
Clock bike ( orange ) ID: 26588
Clock bike ( whrite ) ID: 26589
Clock bike (Violet ) ID: 26590
Meteo bike ( yellow ) ID: 26591
Meteo bike (Red ) ID: 26592
Meteo bike (Green ) ID: 26593

Aile blanche ID: 5819
Aile Noir ID: 5820
Aile d'ange ID: 5821
Aile d'archange ID: 5822
20125 (Ailes de papillon rouges)
20126 (Ailes de papillon crèmes)
20127 (Ailes de papillon bleues
20128 (Ailes de papillon transparentes)
20129 (Ailes de libellule transparentes)
(Practice) Wooden Sword
Accessory Box
Acer Armor Set (F)
Acer Armor Set (M)
Acer Boots (F)
Acer Boots (M)
Acer Gauntlets (F)
Acer Gauntlets (M)
Acer Helmet (F)
Acer Helmet (M)
Acer Suit (F)
Acer Suit (M)
Act Boots
Act Gauntlet
Act Helmet
Act Suit
Action Axe
Addself Staff
Ahes Boots
Ahes Gauntlet
Ahes Helmet
Ahes Suit
Aieb Boots
Aieb Gauntlet
Aieb Helmet
Aieb Suit
Akan Boots
Akan Gauntlet
Akan Helmet
Akan Suit
Aken Boots
Aken Gautlet
Aken Helmet
Aken Suit
Akent Boots
Akent Gauntlet
Akent Helmet
Akent Suit
Ales Boots
Ales Gauntlet
Ales Helmet
Ales Suit
Alext Boots
Alext Gauntlet
Alext Helmet
Alext Suit
Amazing Pouch (Portable Bag coupon)
Amazing Pouch (Scroll of accessory protection)
Amazing Pouch (Scroll of piercing protection)
Amazing Pouch (Scroll of Protect)
Amazing Pouch (Scroll of Smelting)
Angeck Boots
Angeck Gauntlet
Angeck Helmet
Angeck Suit
Angel Ambidextrous Axe
Angel Axe
Angel Big Sword
Angel Borad
Angel Bow
Angel Box
Angel Glove
Angel Hairband
Angel Staff
Angel Stick
Angel Sword
Angel Wand
Angel Yo-Yo
Angeliker Staff
Angere Boots
Angere Gauntlet
Angere Helmet
Angere Suit
Angerneire Boots
Angerneire Gauntlet
Angerneire Helmet
Angerneire Suit
Animal Week Box
Anis Armor Box (F)
Anis Armor Box (M)
Ankpy Boots
Ankpy Gauntlet
Ankpy Helmet
Ankpy Suit
Ankyoness Boots
Ankyoness Gauntlet
Ankyoness Helmet
Ankyoness Suit
Anoos Boots
Anoos Gauntlet
Anoos Helmet
Anoos Suit
Antidote Potion
Apple Wheat-Gluten
Aqua Breath
Arcadia Wand
Ardalin Axe
Arek Ring
Aren Boots
Aren Gauntlet
Aren Helmet
Aren Suit
Aris Wand
Arolen Boots
Arolen Gauntlet
Arolen Helmet
Arolen Suit
Aros Boots
Aros Gauntlet
Aros Helmet
Aros Suit
Asren Boots
Asren Gauntlet
Asren Helmet
Asren Hsuit
Asron Boots
Asron Gauntlet
Asron Helmet
Asron Suit
Aster Boots
Aster Gauntlet
Aster Helmet
Aster Shield
Aster Suit
Astrol Staff
Aurora Wand
Autumn Gift Box
Autumn Gift Box
Axe of Ivillines
Axe of Luda
Axilow Sword
Azuma Knuckle
Babari Lion Cage
Baby Aibatt (days)
Baby Bang
Baby Beagle
Baby Black Dragon
Baby Blue Dragon
Baby Chicken
Baby Cobra
Baby Cow
Baby Dragon Cage
Baby Fu Lion
Baby Griffin Cage
Baby Hamster
Baby Horse
Baby Iguana
Baby Lawolf
Baby Monkey
Baby Monkey Box
Baby Panda
Baby Panda ( days)
Baby Penguin
Baby Pig
Baby Rabbit
Baby Robot
Baby Tiger
Baby Tiger( Day)
Baby Turtle
Baby Turtle Box
Baby Yetti
Bainent Boots
Bainent Gauntlet
Bainent Helmet
Bainent Suit
Baji Shoes
Baji Suit
Baking Chocolate
Ball Mask
Balloonflower Silk
Bamboo Stick
Banana Jujubar
Baseball Cap(F)
Baseball Cap(M)
Baseball Gloves(F)
Baseball Gloves(M)
Baseball Set(F)
Baseball Set(M)
Baseball Shoes(F)
Baseball Shoes(M)
Baseball Suit(F)
Baseball Suit(M)
Bastard Sword
BatKine Boots
BatKine Gauntlet
BatKine Helmet
BatKine Suit
Batlord Boots
Batlord Gauntlet
Batlord Helmet
Batlord Suit
Battle Axe
Baty Boots
Baty Gauntlet
Baty Helmet
Baty Suit
Beach Swimsuit Green Set(M)
Beach Swimsuit Green(M)
Beach Wear Orange Set(F)
Beach Wear Orange(F)
Bean Drink
Beast Boots
Beast Gauntlet
Beast Helmet
Beast Suit
Beauty Salon Coupon
Beetle Knuckle
Beginner Set (F)
Beginner Set (M)
Beok Boots
Beok Gauntlet
Beok Helmet
Beok Suit
Berk Axe
Big Nippers
Bigmas Sword
Billporon Boots
Billporon Gauntlet
Billporon Helmet
Billporon Suit
Billst Boots
Billst Gauntlet
Billst Helmet
Billst Suit
Birdin Staff
Bishapo Staff
Black Diver Flipers (M)
Black Diver Set (M)
Black Diver Suit(M)
Black Tuxedo Gloves (M)
Black Tuxedo set (M)
Black Tuxedo shoes (M)
Black Tuxedo suit (M)
Blackine Boots
Blackine Gauntlet
Blackine Helmet
Blackine Suit
Blackwish Wand
Blain Boots
Blain Gauntlet
Blain Helmet
Blain Suit
Blarmor Knuckle
Blcore Boots
Blcore Gauntlet
Blcore Helmet
Blcore Suit
Blesever Knuckle
Bless Poster
Blessed Jewel (Electricity)
Blessed Jewel (Fire)
Blessed Jewel (Water)
Blessing of Goddess (Event)
Blessing of Love
Blessing of Love
Blessing of Party Leader
Blessing of the Goddess
Blessing of the Pet Tamer
Blink Sword
Blinkwing of Volcan
Blood Red Umbrella
Bloody Axe
Bloody Bow
Bloody Knuckle
Bloody Slayer
Bloody Staff
Bloody Stick
Bloody Sword
Bloody Two-Handed Axe
Bloody Wand
Bloody Wand
Bloody Yo-Yo
Blue Angel
Blue Armored Tigar
Blue Balloons
Blue Balloons (Event)
Blue Beach Wear Set (F)
Blue Beachwear (F)
Blue Bead
Blue Boots
Blue Cheerleader (F) set + Soccerball Angel
Blue Cheerleader (M) set + Soccerball Angel
Blue Cotton Candy
Blue Cotton Candy (Event)
Blue Crystal
Blue Flower Sandal(F)
Blue Gauntlet
Blue Helmet
Blue Honey
Blue Jade Sword
Blue Pill
Blue Polka Dots Bikini Set(F)
Blue Polka Dots Bikini(F)
Blue Rainbow Piece
Blue Sailor (F)
Blue Sailor (M)
Blue Sailor Hat
Blue Sailor Shoes
Blue Sailor Suit
Blue School Bag
Blue Shine Sword
Blue Soccer Shoes (F)
Blue Soccer Shoes (M)
Blue Soccer Uniform (F)
Blue Soccer Uniform (M)
Blue Suit
Bluebow Wand
Bluemoon Boots
Bluemoon Gauntlet
Bluemoon Helmet
Bluemoon Suit
Boddy Board
Bodyguard(F) Set
Bodyguard(F) Shoes
Bodyguard(F) Suit
Bodyguard(M) Set
Bodyguard(M) Shoes
Bodyguard(M) Suit
Bomb Hair (F) Blue
Bomb Hair (F) Brown
Bomb Hair (F) Red
Bomb Hair (M) Blue
Bomb Hair (M) Brown
Bomb Hair (M) Red
Bomb Timer
Bonebar Axe
Boots of Dignity (F)
Boots of Dignity (M)
Bopol Stick
Bow of Accuracy
Bow of Ivillines
Box of Change
Box of Lucky
Box of Mana
Box of Scroll
Box of Stamina
Box of Vital
Box of Wish
Bragi Boots
Bragi Gauntlet
Bragi Helmet
Bragi Suit
Branch of Rhsis
Branto Boots
Branto Gauntlet
Branto Helmet
Branto Suit
Brazil Flag Cloak
Breakest Sword
Breeze Boots
Breeze Gauntlet
Breeze Helmet
Breeze Suit
Bright Nurse Gloves
Bright Nurse Hat
Bright Nurse Shoes
Bright Nurse Suit
Brikiel Bow
Broken Wings
Bronze Axe
Brouton Bow
Brown Sandal(F)
Brown Sandal(M)
Brown Tuxedo Gloves (M)
Brown Tuxedo set (M)
Brown Tuxedo Shoes (M)
Brown Tuxedo Suit (M)
Bubble's Happy Gift Box
Bull's Glove(M)
Bull's Hat(M)
Bull's Suit(M)
Bull Hamstern
Bulls's Set(M)
Bulls's Shoes(M)
BunBun Gloves
BunBun Hat
BunBun Shoes
BunBun Suit
Buterfle Axe
Butterfly Mask
Cactus Hair (M) Gold
Cactus Hair (M) Red
Cactus Hair (M) Silver
Canada Flag Cloak
Cantess Axe
Carnage Sword
Casual beanie(M)
Casual gloves(F)
Casual gloves(M)
Casual hat(F)
Casual set(F)
Casual set(M)
Casual shoes(F)
Casual shoes(M)
Casual suit(F)
Casual suit(M)
Cat Bell
Cat Punch (Black)
Cat Punch (White)
Catacop Shield
Catchy Axe
Catepo Shield
Catseon Gloves
Catseon Hat
Catseon Shoes
Catseon Suit
Catseye Wand
Catsin (F) Set
Catsin (M) Set
Catsin Gloves
Catsin Hat
Catsin Shoes
Catsin Suit
Cenatin Bow
Chainsing Sword
Chance of the Pet Tamer
Chaneil Boots
Chaneil Gauntlet
Chaneil Helmet
Chaneil Suit
Chanyn Boots
Chanyn Gauntlet
Chanyn Helmet
Chanyn Suit
Chef Gloves(F)
Chef Gloves(M)
Chef Hat(F)
Chef Hat(M)
Chef Set(F)
Chef Set(M)
Chef Shoes(F)
Chef Shoes(M)
Chef Uniform(F)
Chef Uniform(M)
Cherry Stick
Chicken Stick
Chile Flag Cloak
Chipao Panda Gloves(F)
Chipao Panda Gloves(M)
Chipao Panda Hat(F)
Chipao Panda Hat(M)
Chipao Panda Set(F)
Chipao Panda Set(M)
Chipao Panda Shoes(F)
Chipao Panda Shoes(M)
Chipao Panda Suit(F)
Chipao Panda Suit(M)
Chocloate Cookie
Chocolate Bar
Chocolate Drink
Chocolate of Friendship
Chocolate of Love
Christmas Cookies
Ciclone Bow
Circle Sica
Claien Boots
Claien Gauntlet
Claien Helmet
Claien Suit
Clasemit Bow
Classic Bow
Claw of Lawolf
Clawreen Knuckle
Cleintis Boots
Cleintis Gauntlet
Cleintis Helmet
Cleintis Suit
Cleopatra Hair (F) Blue
Cleopatra Hair (F) Green
Cleopatra Hair( F) Violet
Clip Sword
Cloak box
Cloak Box of Brabery
Cloak of Argentina
Cloak of Australia
Cloak of Brave(Bind)
Cloak of Bravery
Cloak of Columbia
Cloak of France
Cloak of German
Cloak of Hero
Cloak of honor
Cloak of Italy
Cloak of Mexico
Cloak of Peru
Cloak of Spain
Cloak of the Sea God
Cloak of United Kingdom
Clock Bike(Orange)
Clock Bike(Violet)
Clock Bike(White)
Clock Heart
Clock Slayer
Clothes Test
Cloud Boots
Cloud Gauntlet
Cloud Helmet
Cloud Piece
Cloud Suit
Clown Hat (M)
Clown set (M)
Clown Shoes (M)
Clown Suit (M)
Clrael Wand
Clue of Golden Helmet
Cluwoo Boots
Cluwoo Gauntlet
Cluwoo Helmet
Cluwoo Suit
Cobierkis Boots
Cobierkis Gauntlet
Cobierkis Helmet
Cobierkis Suit
Cobpo Boots
Cobpo Gauntlet
Cobpo Helmet
Cobpo Suit
Coien Shield
Coivellue Shield
Collector Box
Comet Boots
Comet Gauntlet
Comet Helmet
Comet Shield
Comet Suit
Comet Sword
Cook Box
Cooked Corn
Cooked Octopus
Corean Knuckle
Corin Axe
Coring Boots
Coring Gauntlet
Coring Helmet
Coring Suit
Coron Boots
Coron Gauntlet
Coron Helmet
Coron Suit
Cosmo Staff
Cotton Boots
Cotton Gauntlet
Cotton Suit
Couples Ring
Cowboy Gloves(F)
Cowboy Gloves(M)
Cowboy Hat(F)
Cowboy Hat(M)
Cowboy Set(F)
Cowboy Set(M)
Cowboy Shoes(F)
Cowboy Shoes(M)
Cowboy Suit(F)
Cowboy Suit(M)
Crab Shell
Cram Knuckle
Cream Boots
Cream Gauntlet
Cream Suit
Crecendo Knuckle
Crenil Axe
Crescent Boots
Crescent Gauntlet
Crescent Helmet
Crescent Shield
Crescent Stone
Crescent Suit
Crimson Sword
Cristia Bow
Cron Staff
Cross Shied
Crossail Knuckle
Crossek Staff
Crow Axe
Cruel Damage Diamond
Cruel Damage Emerald.
Cruel Damage Ruby
Cruel Damage Sapphire
Cruel Damage Topaz
Cruentus Armor Set (F)
Cruentus Armor Set (M)
Cruentus Boots (F)
Cruentus Boots (M)
Cruentus Gauntlets (F)
Cruentus Gauntlets (M)
Cruentus Helmet (F)
Cruentus Helmet (M)
Cruentus Suit (F)
Cruentus Suit (M)
Cruiser Boots
Cruiser Gauntlet
Cruiser Helmet
Cruiser Suit
Crumbly Hair
Crusader Bow
Cryan Boots
Cryan Gauntlet
Cryan Helmet
Cryan Suit
Cryon Boots
Cryon Gauntlet
Cryon Helmet
Cryon Suit
Crystal Bow
Crystal Wand
Crystalized Soul
Cubic Wand
Cude Boots
Cude Gauntlet
Cude Helmet
Cude Suit
Cumel Boots
Cumel Gauntlet
Cumel Helmet
Cumel Suit
Cupo Boots
Cupo Gauntlet
Cupo Helmet
Cupo Suit
Cure Disease Potion
Curin Axe
Curning Axe
Curus Boots
Curus Gauntlet
Curus Helmet
Curus Suit
Curusier Bow
Cute Beagle
Cute Frog
Cute Frog Box
Cute Hamburger
Cute Hamburger Box
Cute Lamb
Cutesy Hair (F) Brown
Cutesy Hair (F) Gold
Cutesy Hair (F) Green
Cylos Boots
Cylos Gauntlet
Cylos Helmet
Cylos Suit
Cylos Sword
Cyron Bow
Daisy Boots
Daisy Gauntlet
Daisy Helmet
Daisy Suit
Danu Boots
Danu Gauntlet
Danu Helmet
Danu Suit
Darcro Axe
Dargon Stick Box S
Daris Wand
Dark-Blue Rainbow Piece
Dark Nurse Gloves
Dark Nurse Hat
Dark Nurse Shoes
Dark Nurse Suit
Darkbin Boots
Darkbin Gauntlet
Darkbin Helmet
Darkbin Suit
Darkhild Staff
Darkness bow
Darkomet Boots
Darkomet Gauntlet
Darkomet Helmet
Darkomet Suit
DarkVader (F)
DarkVader (M)
Dayst Boots
Dayst Gauntlet
Dayst Helmet
Dayst Suit
Death Flower
Decasron Boots
Decasron Gauntlet
Decasron Helmet
Decasron Suit
Def-Upcut Stone
Defnan Bow
Demol Earring
Derian Boots
Derian Gauntlet
Derian Helmet
Derian Suit
Dest Boots
Dest Gauntlet
Dest Helmet
Dest Suit
Devil Hairband
Devkaiser Boots
Devkaiser Gauntlet
Devkaiser Helmet
Devkaiser Suit
Devoness Boots
Devoness Gauntlet
Devoness Helmet
Devoness Suit
Diamond for Bloodsucking
Diamond for Exp.
Diamond for Reflecting Damage
Diamond of Dexterity
Diamond of Intelligence
Diamond of Strength
Diamond Piece
Dian Boots
Dian Gauntlet
Dian Helmet
Dian Suit
Diana Boots
Diana Gauntlet
Diana Helmet
Diana Suit
Dice Boots
Dice Gauntlet
Dice Helmet
Dice Suit
Disposable Hoverbike S
Disposable Lawolf Sled S
Ditch Boots
Ditch Gauntlet
Ditch Helmet
Ditch Suit
Divine Wand
Doggy Box
Dolphin Axe
Doridoma Keratin
Doridori Sushi
Drac Boots
Drac Gauntlet
Drac Helmet
Drac Suit
Dragon Box
Dragon Cloak of Challenge(Bind)
Dragon Cloak of Courage(Bind)
Dragon Heart
Dragon Stick S
Dragon Tooth
Drain Shield
Dramon Boots
Dramon Gauntlet
Dramon Helmet
Dramon Suit
Dranjem Boots
Dranjem Gauntlet
Dranjem Helmet
Dranjem Suit
Drawer (Blue)
Drawer (Green)
Drawer (Red)
Drawer (Yellow)
Dress Girl Shoes (F)
Dress Red Hat (F)
Dressed Up (F)
Dressed Up Gloves (F)
Dressed Up Hat (F)
Dressed Up Suit (F)
Dresser with mirror (Blue)
Dresser with mirror (Green)
Dresser with mirror (Red)
Dresser with mirror (Yellow)
Dretra Sword
Driff Axe
Drone Axe
Duel Box
Duel Box (Power Up)
Dukye Boots
Dukye Gauntlet
Dukye Helmet
Dukye Suit
Dupoin Boots
Dupoin Gauntlet
Dupoin Helmet
Dupoin Suit
Earring of Heren
Ectro Boots
Ectro Gauntlet
Ectro Helmet
Ectro Suit
Edoren Knuckle
Eeinear Boots
Eeinear Gauntlet
Eeinear Helmet
Eeinear Suit
Eerlsync Boots
Eerlsync Gauntlet
Eerlsync Helmet
Eerlsync Suit
Egg Hatcher
Ego Staff
Egofin Boots
Egofin Gauntlet
Egofin Helmet
Egofin Suit
Eighth Refresher
Einy Boots
Einy Gauntlet
Einy Helmet
Einy Suit
Elder Boots
Elder Gauntlet
Elder Helmet
Elder Suit
Eldine Boots
Eldine Gauntlet
Eldine Helmet
Eldine Suit
Electric Card (A)
Electric Card (B)
Electric Card (C)
Electric Card (D)
Elegant Whilpool Hair (F)
Elegant Whilpool Hair (M)
Elfyren Staff
Elinte Boots
Elinte Gauntlet
Elinte Helmet
Elinte Suit
Elitein Boots
Elitein Gauntlet
Elitein Helmet
Elitein Suit
Ellean Boots
Ellean Gauntlet
Ellean Helmet
Ellean Suit
Ellis Boots
Ellis Gauntlet
Ellis Helmet
Ellist Suit
Ellsis Boots
Ellsis Gauntlet
Ellsis Helmet
Ellsis Suit
Emerald for Bloodsucking
Emerald for Exp.
Emerald for Reflecting Damage
Emerald of Dexterity
Emerald of Intelligence
Emerald of Strength
Emerald Piece
Emeryl Sword
English Bulldog
Epi Wand
Eruld Wand
Esder Boots
Esder Gauntlet
Esder Helmet
Esder Suit
European Union Flag Cloak
Even Box
Even Box
Event Box (A)
Event Box (B)
Event Box for Version
Event Chocolate
Event coupon
Event coupon
Event coupon
Event Flying Box
Event Gift Box
Event Marble
Event Moonstone
Event Primitive Suit Set (F)
Event Primitive Suit Set (M)
Event Sense Wig (Black) (F)
Event Sense Wig (Blue) (F)
Event Sunstone
Event Wind Wig (Blue) (M)
Event Wind Wig (Brown) (F)
Event Wind Wig (Brown) (M)
Event Wind Wig (Silver) (M)
Ex Scroll of Amplification ES (A)
Exhaust Axe
Expand Party Skill
Extreme Stick
Extro Boots
Extro Gauntlet
Extro Helmet
Extro Suit
Facus Wand
Fairel Staff
Fairlight Sword
Fairmine Stick
Fairslender Sword
Fanta Stick
Fashion Coupon
Fashion Sunglasses (Green)
Fashion Sunglasses (Orange)
Fashion Sunglasses (Red)
Feather of Magic Power
Featherwing Staff
Federhorn Knuckle
Feed Bag
Feed Bag ( hrs)
Feed for (S)class pet
Fellpeed Axe
Female Blue Soccer set
Female Police set + Police Club
Female Snowman (Days)
Female White Soccer set
Ferbain Boots
Ferbain Gauntlet
Ferbain Helmet
Ferbain Suit
Ferraol Boots
Ferraol Gauntlet
Ferraol Helmet
Ferraol Suit
Festein Boots
Festein Gauntlet
Festein Helmet
Festein Suit
Festival Box
Festival Box (Taiwan)
Fethertin Boots
Fethertin Gauntlet
Fethertin Helmet
Fethertin Suit
Fifth Refresher
Fiont Bow
Fioren Boots
Fioren Gauntlet
Fioren Helmet
Fioren Suit
Fir Tree
Fire Card (A)
Fire Card (B)
Fire Card (C)
Fire Card (D)
Firecracker Box
Fireise Sword
First Refresher
Fish Soup
Fish Stew
Fist of Revenge
Fistomber Knuckle
Flaming Bow
Flaming Stick
Flaper Axe
Flarine Stick
Flash Charm
Floral Boots
Floral Gauntlet
Floral Helmet
Floral Suit
Florel Staff
Flower Boots
Flower Gauntlet
Flower Hair (F) Blue
Flower Hair (F) Gold
Flower Hair (F) Pink
Flower Hair (M) Blue
Flower Hair (M) Gold
Flower Hair (M) Pink
Flower Helmet
Flower Suit
Flower Sword
Flupim Wand
Flury Boots
Flury Gauntlet
Flury Helmet
Flury Stick
Flury Suit
Flyff Board
Flyff Board(Bind)
Flyff Present Box
Flying Cloud(Bind)
Flying Ship Material
Font Editor
Fool Glasses
Force Boots
Force Gauntlet
Force Helmet
Force Suit
Forge Axe
Forgiel Boots
Forgiel Gauntlet
Forgiel Helmet
Forgiel Suit
Forkim Sailor Hat
Forkim Sailor Shoes
Forkim Sailor Suit
Forlas Stick
Formal School Gloves
Formal School Hat
Formal School Shoes
Formal School Suit
Fortune Boots
Fortune Gauntlet
Fortune Helmet
Fortune Suit
Fosharpen Staff
Fourth Refresher
Free Hand
Free Makeup Coupon
Fresh Cream
Fresh Ddukguk
Friendship (A)
Friendship (B)
Frin Boots
Frin Gauntlet
Frin Helmet
Frin Suit
Frog Gloves (F)
Frog Gloves (M)
Frog Hat (F)
Frog Hat (M)
Frog Set (F)
Frog set (M)
Frog Shoes (F)
Frog Shoes (M)
Frog Suit (F)
Frog Suit (M)
Fropnear Boots
Fropnear Gauntlet
Fropnear Helmet
Fropnear Suit
Fruit Icewater
Fruit Juice
Fruit Parfait
Fruit Punch
Fruit Sherbet
Full Metal Bow
Full Shout 15
Full Shout 30
Fullarch Bow
Furious Match
Galaxy Axe
Gale Boots
Gale Gauntlet
Gale Helmet
Gale Stick
Gale Suit
Garlain Stick
Geiler Boots
Geiler Gauntlet
Geiler Helmet
Geiler Suit
Geniun Boots
Geniun Gauntlet
Geniun Helmet
Geniun Suit
Gesanan Boots
Gesanan Gauntlet
Gesanan Helmet
Gesanan Suit
Giant Antiquery Summoning Ball
Giant Boo Summoning Ball
Giant Carrierbomb Summoning Ball
Giant Glaphan Summoning Ball
Giant Gongury Summoning Ball
Giant Greemong Summoning Ball
Giant Hopper Summoning Ball
Giant Iren Summoning Ball
Giant Kern Summoning Ball
Giant Luia Summoning Ball
Giant Monster Ball (A)
Giant Monster Ball (B)
Giant Monster Ball (C)
Giant Monster Ball (D)
Giant Mushpoie Summoning Ball
Giant Nautrepy Summoning Ball
Giant Shuhamma Summoning Ball
Giant Syliaca Summoning Ball
Giant Watangka Summoning Ball
Gift Box (Taiwan)
Gift for Vagrant (F)
Gift for Vagrant (M)
Gisyon Boots
Gisyon Gauntlet
Gisyon Helmet
Gisyon Suit
Glass Gift Box
Glass Wand
Glasses (Black)
Glasses (Green)
Glasses (Purple)
Glasses (Red)
Glasses (Yellow)
Glasses Box
Glasses Box
Glasses Box
Glasses Box
Gloves of Cheering
Gloves of Ivillines
Godchent Boots
Godchent Gauntlet
Godchent Helmet
Godchent Suit
Godvean Boots
Godvean Gauntlet
Godvean Helmet
Godvean Suit
Gogo Stick
Gold Battery
Gold Bug
Gold Pill
Golden Apple
Golden Cup
Golden Fist
Golden Helmet of Billaon
Golden Lucky Pig
Golden Pig(For Taiwan)
Golden Piggy
Golden Wing
Goldross Knuckle
Goldygun Boots
Goldygun Gauntlet
Goldygun Helmet
Goldygun Suit
Goldynine Boots
Goldynine Gauntlet
Goldynine Helmet
Goldynine Suit
Goodbye Bomb
Gore Necklace
Gorgeous Boots
Gorgeous Gauntlet
Gorgeous Helmet
Gorgeous Suit
Gorn Axe
Gothic Gloves (F)
Gothic Gloves (M)
Gothic Hat (F)
Gothic Hat (M)
Gothic Set (F)
Gothic Set (M)
Gothic Shoes (F)
Gothic Shoes (M)
Gothic Suit (F)
Gothic Suit (M)
Grace Boots
Grace Gauntlet
Grace Helmet
Grace Suit
Grang Axe
Grantus Boots
Grantus Gauntlet
Grantus Helmet
Grantus Suit
Gravity Knuckle
Gray Cotton Candy
Gray Cotton Candy (Event)
Gray Pill
Gray Tuxedo (M)
Gray Tuxedo Shoes (M)
Gray Tuxedo Suit (M)
Great Axe
Great Axe of Ivillines
Great Chef Muffrin Summoning Ball
Great Crown
Great Sword of Ivillines
Green Angel
Green Beach Shoes (M)
Green Beach Wear Set F(M)
Green Beachwear (M)
Green Bead
Green Bow
Green Box
Green Box
Green Cake
Green Cotton Candy
Green Cotton Candy (Event)
Green Crystal
Green Dress (F)
Green Dress Gloves (F)
Green Dress Hat (F)
Green Dress set (F)
Green Dress Suit (F)
Green Rainbow Piece
Green Sailor (F)
Green Sailor (M)
Green Sailor Hat
Green Sailor Shoes
Green Sailor Suit
Green Shield
Green Summer Sneakers (M)
Green Swimwear (M)
Green Swimwear Set (M)
Greentin Bow
Grentio Boots
Grentio Gauntlet
Grentio Helmet
Grentio Suit
Greynis Boots
Greynis Gauntlet
Greynis Helmet
Greynis Suit
Gricky Boots
Gricky Gauntlet
Gricky Helmet
Gricky Suit
Grilled Eel
Grilled Eel (Event)
Grim Armor Set (F)
Grim Armor Set (M)
Grim Boots (F)
Grim Boots (M)
Grim Gauntlets (F)
Grim Gauntlets (M)
Grim Helmet (F)
Grim Helmet (M)
Grim Suit (F)
Grim Suit (M)
Grrr Bandage
Guadfoll Staff
Guard Shield
Guardian Ambidextrous Axe
Guardian Axe
Guardian Big Sword
Guardian Bow
Guardian Box
Guardian Knuckle
Guardian Staff
Guardian Stick
Guardian Sword
Guardian Wand
Guardian Yo-Yo
Guild Siege Box
Gullah Mud
Gynas Boots
Gynas Gauntlet
Gynas Helmet
Gynas Suit
Gyro Shield
Hagal Boots
Hagal Gauntlet
Hagal Helmet
Hagal Suit
Haganes Boots
Haganes Gauntlet
Haganes Helmet
Haganes Suit
Hague Nail
Hail Boots
Hail Gauntlet
Hail Helmet
Hail Suit
Hall Document
Hanbouk (F)
Hanbouk (M)
Hand Claw
Hand Saw
Hands (F)
Hands (F)
Hands (M)
Hands (M)
Hanei Boots
Hanei Gauntlet
Hanei Helmet
Hanei Suit
Hanel Boots
Hanel Gauntlet
Hanel Helmet
Hanel Suit
Hanes Boots
Hanes Gauntlet
Hanes Helmet
Hanes Suit
Hania Boots
Hania Gauntlet
Hania Helmet
Hania Suit
Hanisbo Boots
Hanisbo Gauntlet
Hanisbo Helmet
Hanisbo Suit
Hansel Sword
Happy Money
Harpion Sword
Harpy Feather
Harsh Damage Diamond
Harsh Damage Emerald
Harsh Damage Ruby
Harsh Damage Sapphire
Harsh Damage Topaz
Havey Boots
Havey Gauntlet
Havey Helmet
Havey Suit
Heart Card
Heart Cookies
Heart Cracker
Heart of Love
Heart Shield
Hein Stick
Heintis Boots
Heintis Gauntlet
Heintis Helmet
Heintis Suit
Hellieng Boots
Hellieng Gauntlet
Hellieng Helmet
Hellieng Suit
Hellsinove Boots
Hellsinove Gauntlet
Hellsinove Helmet
Hellsinove Suit
Helmet of Dignity (F)
Helmet of Dignity (M)
Henen Boots
Henen Gauntlet
Henen Helmet
Henen Suit
Hera Boots
Hera Gauntlet
Hera Helmet
Hera Hoverbike Box
Hera Hoverbike Box S
Hera Hoverbike S
Hera Hoverbike(Black)
Hera Suit
Herald Staff
Hexagon Staff
High-class Hair (F) Gold
High-class Hair (F) Red
High-class Hair (F) Silver
Highrin Boots
Highrin Gauntlet
Highrin Helmet
Highrin Suit
Hileitine Shield
Hillaren Shield
Hip-Hop Cap and Bandana(M)
Hip-Hop Set(M)
Hip-Hop Shirt and Pants(M)
Hip-Hop Sneakers(M)
Hiphop Gloves(M)
Historic Ambidextrous Axe
Historic Axe
Historic Big Sword
Historic Bow
Historic Box
Historic Knuckle
Historic Staff
Historic Stick
Historic Sword
Historic Wand
Historic Yo-Yo
Hitch Axe
Hodr Boots
Hodr Gauntlet
Hodr Helmet
Hodr Suit
Holiday Gift Box
Hollaten Wand
Holyous Staff
Hong Kong Flag Cloak
Horn of Asterius
Hot Ddukguk
Hot Dog
Hotter Sword
Huaris Boots
Huaris Gauntlet
Huaris Helmet
Huaris Suit
Huedom Boots
Huedom Gauntlet
Huedom Helmet
Huedom Suit
Huey Stick
Hugo Boots
Hugo Gauntlet
Hugo Helmet
Hugo Suit
HW Fireworks
Hydra Bow
Hydron Bow
Hyper Boots
Hyper Gauntlet
Hyper Helmet
Hyper Impulse
Hyper Mirage
Hyper Suit
Hyupirein Boots
Hyupirein Gauntlet
Hyupirein Helmet
Hyupirein Suit
Hyusein Boots
Hyusein Gauntlet
Hyusein Helmet
Hyusein Suit
Icecream Cake
Icicle Shield
Id Staff
Idunn Boots
Idunn Gauntlet
Idunn Helmet
Idunn Suit
Ignis Staff
Illusion Wand
Incein Boots
Incein Gauntlet
Incein Helmet
Incein Suit
Indics Boots
Indics Gauntlet
Indics Helmet
Indics Suit
Iner Boots
Iner Gauntlet
Iner Helmet
Iner Suit
Infereino Boots
Infereino Gauntlet
Infereino Helmet
Infereino Suit
Inferm Boots
Inferm Gauntlet
Inferm Helmet
Inferm Suit
Ink Pouch
Inner Staff
Instructor of Skill
Intelli Ring
Invader Sword
Iris Boots
Iris Gauntlet
Iris Helmet
Iris Suit
Iron Bow
Iron Mask
Iron of Clockworks
Iron Yoyo
Irony Knuckle
Irun Bow
Item Transy (A)
Item Transy (B)
Jaim Sword
Jalate Wand
Janitor Sword
Japan Flag Cloak
Jay Boots
Jay Gauntlet
Jay Helmet
Jay Suit
Jenes Boots
Jenes Gauntlet
Jenes Helmet
Jenes Suit
Jesis Boots
Jesis Gauntlet
Jesis Helmet
Jesis Suit
Jessy Staff
Jillian Boots
Jillian Gauntlet
Jillian Helmet
Jillian Suit
Kafoneka Boots
Kafoneka Gauntlet
Kafoneka Helmet
Kafoneka Suit
Kaharn Boots
Kaharn Gauntlet
Kaharn Helmet
Kaharn Suit
Kalis Wand
Kanarin Boots
Kanarin Gauntlet
Kanarin Helmet
Kanarin Suit
Kang shi (F) Hat
Kang shi (F) Set
Kang shi (F) Shoes
Kang shi (F) Suit
Kang shi (M) Hat
Kang shi (M) Set
Kang shi (M) Shoes
Kang shi (M) Suit
Karm Axe
Karzam Staff
Katria Boots
Katria Guantlet
Katria Helmet
Katria Suit
Kawibawibo Coupon
Keen Tooth
Keimay Boots
Keimay Gauntlet
Keimay Helmet
Keimay Suit
Keriphis Boots
Keriphis Gauntlet
Keriphis Helmet
Keriphis Suit
Kertty Sailor Shoes
Kertty Sailor Suit
Khaicator Sword
Khin Boots
Khin Gauntlet
Khin Helmet
Khin Suit
Khinyker Boots
Khinyker Gauntlet
Khinyker Helmet
Khinyker Suit
Kimbel Boots
Kimbel Gauntlet
Kimbel Helmet
Kimbel Suit
Kina Boots
Kina Gauntlet
Kina Helmet
Kina Suit
Kite Shield
Kitty Box
Knighert Boots
Knighert Gauntlet
Knighert Helmet
Knighert Suit
Knighteel Knuckle
Knighz Boots
Knighz Gauntlet
Knighz Helmet
Knighz Suit
Knocker Sword
Koon Boots
Koon Gauntlet
Koon Helmet
Koon Suit
Kroril Wand
Kudos Stick
Kung Fu Feet(F)
Kung Fu Feet(M)
Kung Fu Hair(F)
Kung Fu Hands(F)
Kung Fu Hands(M)
Kung Fu Hat(M)
Kung Fu Set(F)
Kung Fu Set(M)
Kung Fu Suit(F)
Kung Fu Suit(M)
Labad Stick
Labon Boots
Labon Gauntlet
Labon Helmet
Labon Suit
Lace Boots
Lace Gauntlet
Lace Helmet
Lace Suit
Lamb (F)
Lamb Gloves (F)
Lamb Gloves (M)
Lamb Hair (F) Blue
Lamb Hair (F) Brown
Lamb Hair (F) Silver
Lamb Hat (F)
Lamb Hat (M)
Lamb set (M)
Lamb Shoes (F)
Lamb Shoes (M)
Lamb Suit (F) Suit
Lamb Suit (M)
Land Card (A)
Land Card (B)
Land Card (C)
Land Card (D)
Lassithi Boots
Lassithi Gauntlet
Lassithi Helmet
Lassithi Suit
Lavanda Boots
Lavanda Gauntlet
Lavanda Helmet
Lavanda Suit
Lavkeon Boots
Lavkeon Gauntlet
Lavkeon Helmet
Lavkeon Suit
Lawolf Sled S
Lawolf Trans
Lawolf Trans Box
Layered Boots
Layered Bow
Layered Gauntlet
Layered Helmet
Layered Suit
Leaf Boots
Leaf Gauntlet
Leaf Helmet
Leaf Suit
Leaf Sword
Legendary Big Golden Axe
Legendary Golden Axe
Legendary Golden Big Sword
Legendary Golden Bow
Legendary Golden Box
Legendary Golden Gloves
Legendary Golden Staff
Legendary Golden Stick
Legendary Golden Sword
Legendary Golden Wand
Legendary Golden Yo-Yo
lemental Axe
Leo Boots
Leo Gauntlet
Leo Helmet
Leo Suit
Leoss Stick
Lichiky Axe
Lifo Boots
Lifo Gauntlet
Lifo Helmet
Lifo Suit
Lightened Wand
Lily Boots
Lily Gauntlet
Lily Helmet
Lily Suit
Limocle Boots
Limocle Gauntlet
Limocle Helmet
Limocle Suit
Limousine Bike
Lin Sailor Shoes
Lin Sailor Suit
Linc Boots
Linc Gauntlet
Linc Helmet
Linc Suit
Linueto Boots
Linueto Gauntlet
Linueto Helmet
Linueto Suit
Little Maid Cardpuppet
Little Mia
Lohendiff Boots
Lohendiff Gauntlet
Lohendiff Helmet
Lohendiff Suit
Loker Sailor Hat
Loker Sailor Shoes
Loker Sailor Suit
Long Chair (Blue)
Long Chair (Green)
Long Chair (Red)
Long Chair (Yellow)
Long Sword
Loonde Boots
Loonde Gauntlet
Loonde Helmet
Loonde Suit
Lorai Wand
Lord's Anger
Lord's Blessing
Lord's Cheer
Lord's Love
Lord's Shout
Lord Set (F)
Lord Set (M)
Lordorbl Knuckle
Lordyin Boots
Lordyin Gauntlet
Lordyin Helmet
Lordyin Suit
Losha Trans Box
Lottery Box
Lottery Box (Magic Carpet)
Lottery Box (Snowboard)
Love Love Box
Love of Uriel
Lovely Box(F)
Lovely Box(M)
Luanys Boots
Luanys Gauntlet
Luanys Helmet
Luanys Suit
Lucid Shield
Lucky in Potion Box
Lucky Bag
Lucky Box (Clock Bike)
Lucky Box (Dragon)
Lucky Box (Hera Bike)
Lucky Box (Horse)
Lucky Box (Little Maid Cardpupet)
Lucky Box (Little Mia)
Lucky Box (Magic Carpet)
Lucky Box (Meteo Bike)
Lucky Box (Meteo Bike)
Lucky Box (Rabbit)
Lucky Box (Syila Bike)
Lucky Box (Wooden Horse)
Lucky Cloud Box
Lucky Glasses Box
Lucky Hamster Box
Lucky Riding Cloud Box(Light pink)
Lucky Ring Chance Box
Lucky Sunglasses Box
Luna Boots
Luna Gauntlet
Luna Helmet
Luna Suit
Luses Boots
Luses Gauntlet
Luses Helmet
Luses Suit
Lux Boots
Lux Gauntlet
Lux Helmet
Lux Suit
Luxior Axe
Luxury Hair (M) Black
Luxury Hair (M) Brown
Luxury Hair (M) Violet
Maclir Boots
Maclir Gauntlet
Maclir Helmet
Maclir Suit
Madrigal Guardian (F) Blue Boots
Madrigal Guardian (F) Blue Gloves
Madrigal Guardian (F) Blue Helmet
Madrigal Guardian (F) Blue Set
Madrigal Guardian (F) Blue Suit
Madrigal Guardian (F) Green Boots
Madrigal Guardian (F) Green Gloves
Madrigal Guardian (F) Green Helmet
Madrigal Guardian (F) Green Set
Madrigal Guardian (F) Green Suit
Madrigal Guardian (F) Pink Boots
Madrigal Guardian (F) Pink Gloves
Madrigal Guardian (F) Pink Helmet
Madrigal Guardian (F) Pink Set
Madrigal Guardian (F) Pink Suit
Madrigal Guardian (F) Red Boots
Madrigal Guardian (F) Red Gloves
Madrigal Guardian (F) Red Helmet
Madrigal Guardian (F) Red Set
Madrigal Guardian (F) Red Suit
Madrigal Guardian (F) Yellow Boots
Madrigal Guardian (F) Yellow Gloves
Madrigal Guardian (F) Yellow Helmet
Madrigal Guardian (F) Yellow Set
Madrigal Guardian (F) Yellow Suit
Madrigal Guardian (M) Blue Boots
Madrigal Guardian (M) Blue Gloves
Madrigal Guardian (M) Blue Helmet
Madrigal Guardian (M) Blue Set
Madrigal Guardian (M) Blue Suit
Madrigal Guardian (M) Green Boots
Madrigal Guardian (M) Green Gloves
Madrigal Guardian (M) Green Helmet
Madrigal Guardian (M) Green Set
Madrigal Guardian (M) Green Suit
Madrigal Guardian (M) Pink Boots
Madrigal Guardian (M) Pink Gloves
Madrigal Guardian (M) Pink Helmet
Madrigal Guardian (M) Pink Set
Madrigal Guardian (M) Pink Suit
Madrigal Guardian (M) Red Boots
Madrigal Guardian (M) Red Gloves
Madrigal Guardian (M) Red Helmet
Madrigal Guardian (M) Red Set
Madrigal Guardian (M) Red Suit
Madrigal Guardian (M) Yellow Boots
Madrigal Guardian (M) Yellow Gloves
Madrigal Guardian (M) Yellow Helmet
Madrigal Guardian (M) Yellow Set
Madrigal Guardian (M) Yellow Suit
Magic Bead
Magic Broom for Beginners (Event)
Magic Carpet
Magic Carpet Box
Magic Carpet Box
Magic Carpet Box S
Magic Carpet S
Magic Underwear of Power
Magician Box
Maid Gloves (F)
Maid Hat (F)
Maid set (F)
Maid Shoes (F)
Maid Suit (F)
Makeover box
Male Blue Soccer set
Male Police set + Police Club
Male Snowman (Days)
Male White Soccer set
Mania Box
Marble Boots
Marble Gauntlet
Marble Helmet
Marble Suit
Maret Stick
Mariner Staff
Marple Stick
Mars Boots
Mars Gauntlet
Mars Helmet
Mars Suit
Martial artist Gloves(F)
Martial artist Gloves(M)
Martial artist Hair(F)
Martial artist Hair(M)
Martial artist Set(M)
Martial artist Set(M)
Martial artist Shoes(M)
Martial artist Shoes(M)
Martial artist Suit(F)
Martial artist Suit(M)
Marvel Knuckle
Masha Boots
Masha Gauntlet
Masha Helmet
Masha Suit
Mask Box
Mask Box
Masquerpet Cutter
May Stick
Mazerior Staff
Meat Salad
Meat Skewer
Mecarine Boots
Mecarine Gauntlet
Mecarine Helmet
Mecarine Suit
Mectic Boots
Mectic Gauntlet
Mectic Helmet
Mectic Suit
Medicine for MP
Medicine Gift Box
Medicine of Attack
Medicine of Copious Bleeding
Medicine of DEX
Medicine of Evasion
Medicine of Hit
Medicine of INT
Medicine of Magic
Medicine of Protection
Medicine of Resistance
Medicine of Sharpness
Medicine of STA
Medicine of STR
Medicine of Strong Defense
Medicine of Strong DEX
Medicine of Strong INT
Medicine of Strong STA
Medicine of Strong STR
Medicine of Thinking
Mega Knuckle
Mekaron Boots
Mekaron Gauntlet
Mekaron Helmet
Mekaron Suit
Mekatro Boots
Mekatro Gauntlet
Mekatro Helmet
Mekatro Suit
Mekerhill Wand
Mental Necklace
Mercenary Box
Merian Boots
Merian Gauntlet
Merian Helmet
Merian Suit
Merr Boots
Merr Gauntlet
Merr Helmet
Merr Suit
Merr Wand
Metal Heart
Meteo Bike(Green)
Meteo Bike(Red)
Meteo Bike(Yellow)
Metilver Knuckle
Mia Doll
Mile Staff
Milk Chocolate
Milk Cow Glove(F)
Milk Cow Hat(F)
Milk Cow Set(F)
Milk Cow Shoes(F)
Milk Cow Suit(F)
Mini Glasses (Blue)
Mini Glasses (Red)
Mini Glasses (White)
Mint Boots
Mint Gauntlet
Mint Helmet
Mint Suit
Miracle Boots
Miracle Gauntlet
Miracle Helmet
Miracle of Love
Miracle Suit
Mirage Hander
Mirage Wand
Mirth Stick
Mistic Boots
Mistic Gauntlet
Mistic Helmet
Mistic Suit
Misty Boots
Misty Gauntlet
Misty Helmet
Misty Suit
Misty Wand
Mithril Boots
Mithril Gauntlet
Mithril Helmet
Mithril Suit
Modern Aqua Shoes(M)
Modern Black Swimsuit Set(M)
Modern Black Swimsuit(M)
Modern Hands(M)
Mohawk (M) Brown
Mohawk (M) Orange
Mohawk (M) Red
Moira Wand
Momorati Boots
Momorati Gauntlet
Momorati Helmet
Momorati Suit
Mong Tear
Moonshine Boots
Moonshine Gauntlet
Moonshine Helmet
Moonshine Suit
Moonstone Piece
Morain Stick
Moralemine Stick
Morning Sailor Shoes
Morning Sailor Suit
Morrow Axe
Moussed Hair (M) Black
Moussed Hair (M) Brown
Moussed Hair (M) Green
Muaythai (F) Gloves
Muaythai (F) Hat
Muaythai (F) Set
Muaythai (F) Shoes
Muaythai (F) Suit
Muaythai (M) Gloves
Muaythai (M) Hat
Muaythai (M) Set
Muaythai (M) Shoes
Muaythai (M) Suit
Multiblade Sword
Mummy (F) Gloves
Mummy (F) Hat
Mummy (F) Set
Mummy (F) Shoes
Mummy (F) Suit
Mummy (M) Gloves
Mummy (M) Hat
Mummy (M) Set
Mummy (M) Shoes
Mummy (M) Suit
Muncuto Knuckle
Muruen Boots
Muruen Gauntlet
Muruen Helmet
Muruen Suit
Mushpang Secretion
Mushroom Hat
Muskit Boots
Muskit Gauntlet
Muskit Helmet
Muskit Suit
Myren Boots
Myren Gauntlet
Myren Helmet
Myren Suit
Mysterious Bag
Mysterious Cloth (Taiwan)
Mysterious eyeball
Mysterious Jewel Box (Taiwan)
Mysterious Pill
Mysting Boots
Mysting Gauntlet
Mysting Helmet
Mysting Suit
Mythic Boots
Mythic Gauntlet
Mythic Helmet
Mythic Suit
Myuran Boots
Myuran Gauntlet
Myuran Helmet
Myuran Suit
Myurian Boots
Myurian Gauntlet
Myurian Helmet
Myurian Suit
Nanemvis Armor Set (F)
Nanemvis Armor Set (M)
Nanemvis Boots (F)
Nanemvis Boots (M)
Nanemvis Gauntlets (F)
Nanemvis Gauntlets (M)
Nanemvis Helmet (F)
Nanemvis Helmet (M)
Nanemvis Suit (F)
Nanemvis Suit (M)
Nark Boots
Nark Gauntlet
Nark Helmet
Nark Suit
Nation Boots
Nation Gauntlet
Nation Helmet
Nation Suit
Naughty Ghost
Navil Boots
Navil Gauntlet
Navil Helmet
Navil Suit
Naz Wand
Neakfike Boots
Neakfike Gauntlet
Neakfike Helmet
Neakfike Suit
Neakonebin Boots
Neakonebin Gauntlet
Neakonebin Helmet
Neakonebin Suit
Necklace box
Neclus Boots
Neclus Gauntlet
Neclus Helmet
Neclus Suit
Necrynzi Knuckle
Needrek Axe
Neis Boots
Neis Gauntlet
Neis Helmet
Neis Suit
Neplus Wand
Neptune Boots
Neptune Gauntlet
Neptune Helmet
Neptune Suit
Nerdian Boots
Nerdian Gauntlet
Nerdian Helmet
Nerdian Suit
Netro Boots
Netro Gauntlet
Netro Helmet
Netro Suit
New Year's Bomb
New Year Lucky Bag
NFL Gloves(F)
NFL Gloves(M)
NFL Helmet(F)
NFL Helmet(M)
NFL Shoes(F)
NFL Shoes(M)
NFL Uniform Set(F)
NFL Uniform Set(M)
NFL Uniform(F)
NFL Uniform(M)
Nile Staff
Nine Sailor Shoes
Nine Sailor Suit
Nine Shield
Ninegale Stick
Ninja Gloves (F)
Ninja Gloves (M)
Ninja Hat (F)
Ninja Hat (M)
Ninja set (F)
Ninja set (M)
Ninja Shoes (F)
Ninja Shoes (M)
Ninja Suit (F)
Ninja Suit (M)
Ninth Refresher
Nipedot Boots
Nipedot Gauntlet
Nipedot Helmet
Nipedot Suit
Nirufy Boots
Nirufy Gauntlet
Nirufy Helmet
Nirufy Suit
Nisrock Boots
Nisrock Gauntlet
Nisrock Helmet
Nisrock Suit
Niz Boots
Niz Gauntlet
Niz Helmet
Niz Suit
Niz Wand
Noctis Boots (M)
Noctis Gauntlets (M)
Noctis Helmet (M)
Noctis Suit (M)
Normal Sword
Nox Armor Set (F)
Nox Armor Set (M)
Nox Boots (F)
Nox Gauntlets (F)
Nox Helmet (F)
Nox Suit (F)
Nymph Hair (F) Black
Nymph Hair (F) Brown
Nymph Hair (F) Violet
Ocean Boots
Ocean Gauntlet
Ocean Helmet
Ocean Suit
Odd Box
Oil Bottle
Okas Boots
Okas Gauntlet
Okas Helmet
Okas Suit
Old Fox Cage
Olin Staff
Opel Wand
Orange Beach Shoes (F)
Orange Bead
Orange Bikini Set (F)
Orange Bikini(F)
Orange Cotton Candy
Orange Cotton Candy (Event)
Orange Juice
Orange Rainbow Piece
Orange Sandal(F)
Orgon Boots
Orgon Gauntlet
Orgon Helmet
Orgon Suit
Oriene Boots
Oriene Gauntlet
Oriene Helmet
Oriene Suit
Oska Boots
Oska Gauntlet
Oska Helmet
Oska Suit
Outlaw Sword
Oval Sword
Overam Knuckle
Overpass Knuckle
Pabalti Helmet
Pact Boots
Pact Gauntlet
Pact Helmet
Pact Suit
Pain of Patience
Paker Boots
Paker Gauntlet
Paker Helmet
Paker Suit
Panda Gloves(F)
Panda Gloves(M)
Panda Hat(F)
Panda Hat(M)
Panda Set(F)
Panda Set(M)
Panda Shoes(F)
Panda Shoes(M)
Panda Suit(F)
Panda Suit(M)
Panggril Boots
Panggril Gauntlet
Panggril Helmet
Panggril Suit
Panggril Sword
Parmil Boots
Parmil Gauntlet
Parmil Helmet
Parmil Suit
Parmil Sword
Passionate Whirlpool Hair (F)
Passionate Whirlpool Hair (M)
Pattern of Ivillis Guardian
Pavalti Boots
Pavalti Gauntlet
Pavalti Suit
Pavinu Boots
Pavinu Gauntlet
Pavinu Helmet
Pavinu Suit
Paxt Boots
Paxt Gauntlet
Paxt Helmet
Paxt Suit
Paykinic Boots
Paykinic Gauntlet
Paykinic Helmet
Paykinic Suit
Peach Leaf
Peach Punch
Peahen Boots
Peahen Gauntlet
Peahen Helmet
Peahen Suit
Pearl Wand
Peision Necklace
Penel Sword
Peo Boots
Peo Gauntlet
Peo Helmet
Peo Suit
Peppermin Stick
Perfume of Lillip
Pericuum Axe
Pericuum Knuckle
Pericuum Staff
Pericuum Stick
Pericuum Sword
Pericuum Wand
Pero Stick
Persimmon Tree
Pet Box (Baby Aibatt)
Pet Box (Baby Lawolf)
Pet Box (Baby Leyena)
Pet Box (Baby Luia)
Pet Box Aibatt (days)
Pet Energy
Pet Feed
Pet Feed Maker
Pet Medicine (A)
Pet Medicine (B)
Pet Recovery Box
Pet tamer Box
Petal Boots
Petal Gauntlet
Petal Helmet
Petal Suit
Petal Sword
Phaharn Boots
Phaharn Gauntlet
Phaharn Helmet
Phaharn Suit
Phahunin Boots
Phahunin Gauntlet
Phahunin Helmet
Phahunin Suit
Phaisel Boots
Phaisel Gauntlet
Phaisel Helmet
Phaisel Suit
Phantege Axe
Phantom Boots
Phantom Gauntlet
Phantom Helmet
Phantom Suit
Phasleb Boots
Phasleb Gauntlet
Phasleb Helmet
Phasleb Suit
Phiatoic Boots
Phiatoic Gauntlet
Phiatoic Helmet
Phiatoic Suit
Philippine traditional clothes set(F)
Philippine traditional clothes set(M)
Philippine traditional clothes(F)
Philippine traditional clothes(M)
Philippine traditional gloves(F)
Philippine traditional gloves(M)
Philippine traditional hat(F)
Philippine traditional hat(M)
Philippine traditional shoes(F)
Philippine traditional shoes(M)
Philippines Flag Cloak
Phionix Bow
Phrinde Boots
Phrinde Gauntlet
Phrinde Helmet
Phrinde Suit
Pick-up Pet Box (Patches)
Picnic Basket
Piece of Key
Piece of Silk
Pierlin Stick
Pike Boots
Pike Gauntlet
Pike Helmet
Pike Suit
Pinacle Stick
Pine Tree
Pineapple Cone
Pink Balloons
Pink Balloons (Event)
Pink Beachwear (F)
Pink Beachwear Set (F)
Pink Cake
Pink Cotton Candy
Pink Cotton Candy (Event)
Pink Dress Gloves (F)
Pink Dress Hat (F)
Pink Dress set (F)
Pink Dress Shoes (F)
Pink Dress Suit (F)
Pink Flower Sandal (F)
Pirate (F) Hat
Pirate (F) Set
Pirate (F) Shoes
Pirate (F) Suit
Pirate (M) Hat
Pirate (M) Set
Pirate (M) Shoes
Pirate (M) Suit
Plate Shield
Plim Stick
Plug Earring
Plus Shield
Poineotic Boots
Poineotic Gauntlet
Poineotic Helmet
Poineotic Suit
Polar Bear
Police (F)
Police (M)
Police Club
Police Gloves (F)
Police Gloves (M)
Police Hat (F)
Police Hat (M)
Police Shoes (F)
Police Shoes (M)
Police Suit (F)
Police Suit (M)
Poly Wand
Ponytail Hair (F) Blue
Ponytail Hair (F) Brown
Ponytail Hair (F) Orange
Porein Boots
Porein Gauntlet
Porein Helmet
Porein Suit
Porin Boots
Porin Gauntlet
Porin Helmet
Porin Suit
Portel Staff
Power Diamond
Power Emerald
Power of Love
Power of Love
Power of Love
Power of Love
Power of Party
Power Ruby
Power Sapphire
Power Topaz
Prato Boots
Prato Gauntlet
Prato Helmet
Prato Suit
Prede Stick
Premium Cloak Box
Premium Event Gift Box
Prepaid Card Event Coupon
Pricker Sword
Primitive (F) Set
Primitive (F) Shoes
Primitive (F) Suit
Primitive (M) Set
Primitive (M) Shoes
Primitive (M) Suit
Proem Axe
Props Boots
Props Gauntlet
Props Helmet
Props Suit
Psephis Boots
Psephis Gauntlet
Psephis Helmet
Psephis Suit
Psyics Boots
Psyics Gauntlet
Psyics Helmet
Psyics Suit
Psykon Boots
Psykon Gauntlet
Psykon Helmet
Psykon Suit
Psyrine Boots
Psyrine Gauntlet
Psyrine Helmet
Psyrine Suit
Psyuniper Boots
Psyuniper Gauntlet
Psyuniper Helmet
Psyuniper Suit
Pulley of Clockworks
Pumpkin Mask
Pumpkin Mask Box
Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkin Soup
Puridin Boots
Puridin Gauntlet
Puridin Helmet
Puridin Suit
Purple Beach Shoes (F)
Purple Beach Wear Set (F)
Purple Beachwear (F)
Purple Bikini (F)
Purple Bikini Set (F)
Purple Cotton Candy
Purple Cotton Candy (Event)
Purple Flower Sandals (F)
Purple Rainbow Piece
Purple Sailor (F)
Purple Sailor (M)
Queen of Hearts (F)
Queen of Hearts Hat (F)
Queen of Hearts set (F)
Queen of Hearts Shoes (F)
Queen Popcrank Summoning Ball
Rabbit Coop
Rabbit Hand(F)
Rabbit Hand(M)
Rabbit Hat(F)
Rabbit Hat(M)
Rabbit Outfit(F)
Rabbit Outfit(M)
Rabbit Set(F)
Rabbit Set(M)
Rabbit Shoes (M)
Rabbit Shoes(F)
Raffle Box A
Raffle Box B
Ragonail Bow
Rainbow Box
Rainbow Luck Egg
Rainbow Wand
Rale Boots
Rale Gauntlet
Rale Helmet
Rale Suit
Rampart Knuckle
Ranerz Boots
Ranerz Gauntlet
Ranerz Helmet
Ranerz Suit
Raptor Axe
Rashadain Boots
Rashadain Gauntlet
Rashadain Helmet
Rashadain Suit
Rasra Boots
Rasra Gauntlet
Rasra Helmet
Rasra Suit
Rave Stick
Raze Boots
Raze Gauntlet
Raze Helmet
Raze Suit
Reaena Boots
Reaena Gauntlet
Reaena Helmet
Reaena Suit
Reandetal Boots
Reandetal Gauntlet
Reandetal Helmet
Reandetal Suit
Rebron Boots
Rebron Gauntlet
Rebron Helmet
Rebron Suit
Recorn Boots
Recorn Gauntlet
Recorn Helmet
Recorn Suit
Red Angel
Red Armored Tigar
Red Beach Shoes (M)
Red Beach Wear Set (M)
Red Beachwear (M)
Red Bead
Red Candle
Red Cheerleader (F) set + Soccerball Angel
Red Cheerleader (M) set + Soccerball Angel
Red Chips
Red Cotton Candy
Red Cotton Candy (Event)
Red Crystal
Red Dress Gloves (F)
Red Dress set (F)
Red Dress Shoes (F)
Red Dress Suit (F)
Red Eye
Red Pill
Red Rainbow Piece
Red Sailor (F)
Red Sailor (M)
Red School Bag
Red Soccer Set (F)
Red Soccer Set (M)
Red Soccer Shoes (F)
Red Soccer Shoes (M)
Red Soccer Uniform (F)
Red Soccer Uniform (M)
Red Stockings
Red Summer Sneakers (M)
Red Swimwear (M)
Red Swimwear Set (M)
Redble Boots
Redble Gauntlet
Redble Helmet
Redble Suit
Redemption Scroll Box
Redianer Bow
Redikyon Boots
Redikyon Gauntlet
Redikyon Helmet
Redikyon Suit
Redil Boots
Redil Gauntlet
Redil Helmet
Redil Suit
Redios Boots
Redios Gauntlet
Redios Helmet
Redios Suit
Redornfit Knuckle
Redwing Bow
Refometi Bow
Refresher Hold
Regen Bow
Rekis Wand
Remantis Laccotte
Remingster Boots
Remingster Gauntlet
Remingster Helmet
Remingster Suit
Remodic Staff
Rendaic Boots
Rendaic Gauntlet
Rendaic Helmet
Rendaic Suit
Rensylien Boots
Rensylien Gauntlet
Rensylien Helmet
Rensylien Suit
Requer Stick
Rescorn Armor Box (F)
Rescorn Armor Box (M)
Rescorn Boots
Rescorn Gauntlet
Rescorn Helmet
Rescorn Suit
Restra Boots
Restra Gauntlet
Restra Helmet
Restra Suit
Restron Boots
Restron Gauntlet
Restron Helmet
Restron Suit
Restrorn Armor Box (F)
Restrorn Armor Box (M)
Revantu Boots
Revantu Gauntlet
Revantu Helmet
Revantu Suit
Revenant Knuckle
Revenio Armor Set (F)
Revenio Armor Set (M)
Revenio Boots (F)
Revenio Boots (M)
Revenio Gauntlets (F)
Revenio Gauntlets (M)
Revenio Helmet (F)
Revenio Helmet (M)
Revenio Suit (F)
Revenio Suit (M)
Rhan Boots
Rhan Gauntlet
Rhan Helmet
Rhan Suit
Rhaneat Boots
Rhaneat Gauntlet
Rhaneat Helmet
Rhaneat Suit
Rhenia Boots
Rhenia Gauntlet
Rhenia Helmet
Rhenia Suit
Rhisis' Blessed Treasure Box
Ribten Axe
Rice Cake
Riding Cloud (Blood Red)
Riding Cloud (Light pink)
Riding Cloud (Orange)
Riding Cloud Box
Riding Cloud S
Rigor Knuckle
Rimless Glasses (Blue)
Rimless Glasses (Purple)
Rimless Glasses (White)
Rimyth Boots
Rimyth Gauntlet
Rimyth Helmet
Rimyth Suit
Rismil Wand
Roanin's Magic Level Box
Robin Knuckle
Rocket Cracker
Rodey Boots
Rodey Gauntlet
Rodey Helmet
Rodey Suit
Rodney Axe
Rodney Boots
Rodney Gauntlet
Rodney Helmet
Rodney Suit
Rody Boots
Rody Gauntlet
Rody Helmet
Rody Suit
Rokai Boots
Rokai Gauntlet
Rokai Helmet
Rokai Suit
Rokhantia Boots
Rokhantia Gauntlet
Rokhantia Helmet
Rokhantia Suit
Roll Bread
Ropang Boots
Ropang Gauntlet
Ropang Helmet
Ropang Suit
Rorend Boots
Rorend Gauntlet
Rorend Helmet
Rorend Suit
Rorient Boots
Rorient Gauntlet
Rorient Helmet
Rorient Suit
Rose Boots
Rose Gauntlet
Rose Helmet
Rose Suit
Roshel Boots
Roshel Gauntlet
Roshel Helmet
Roshel Suit
Round Shield
Rowbenon Sword
Royal Cook (F) Hat
Royal Cook (F) Set
Royal Cook (F) Suit
Royal Cook (M) Hat
Royal Cook (M) Set
Royal Cook (M) Shoes
Royal Cook (M) Suit
Royal Cook( F) Shoes
Rubbed Copy of the Ivillis Revelation
Ruby for Bloodsucking
Ruby for Exp.
Ruby for Reflecting Damage
Ruby of Anger
Ruby of Dexterity
Ruby of Intelligence
Ruby of Joy
Ruby of Sorrow
Ruby of Strength
Ruby Piece
Ruby Wand
Rudin Boots
Rudin Gauntlet
Rudin Helmet
Rudin Suit
Rudolf Gloves (M)
Rudolf Hat (M)
Rudolf set (F)
Rudolf set (M)
Rudolf Shoes (M)
Rudolf Suit (M)
Rudolph's Nose
Rufoen Boots
Rufoen Gauntlet
Rufoen Helmet
Rufoen Suit
Rugee Boots
Rugee Gauntlet
Rugee Helmet
Rugee Suit
Ruisil Boots
Ruisil Gauntlet
Ruisil Helmet
Ruisil Suit
Rukenshia Shield
Rukhoa Shield
Rukips Boots
Rukips Gauntlet
Rukips Helmet
Rukips Suit
Runaicing Sword
Ruofl Staff
Rupel Boots
Rupel Gauntlet
Rupel Helmet
Rupel Suit
Sailwing Staff
Saint Bow
Saint Guardian Stick
Saint Stick
Saintsail Axe
Sakdong Hat
Sakdong Shoes
Sakdong Suit
Samurai(F) Gloves
Samurai(F) Hat
Samurai(F) Set
Samurai(F) Shoes
Samurai(F) Suit
Samurai(M) Gloves
Samurai(M) Hat
Samurai(M) Set
Samurai(M) Shoes
Samurai(M) Suit
Samuren Knuckle
Santa Gloves (F)
Santa Gloves (M)
Santa Hat (F)
Santa Hat (M)
Santa Shoes (F)
Santa Shoes (M)
Santa Suit (F)
Santa Suit (M)
Sapee Boots
Sapee Gauntlet
Sapee Helmet
Sapee Suit
Sapphire for Bloodsucking
Sapphire for Exp.
Sapphire for Reflecting Damage
Sapphire of Dexterity
Sapphire of Intelligence
Sapphire of Strength
Sapphire Piece
Sardine Boots
Sardine Gauntlet
Sardine Helmet
Sardine Knuckle
Sardine Suit
Saremender Boots
Saremender Gauntlet
Saremender Helmet
Saremender Suit
Saryeve Boots
Saryeve Gauntlet
Saryeve Helmet
Saryeve Suit
Saturn Boots
Saturn Gauntlet
Saturn Helmet
Saturn Suit
Sausage Casserole
Savage Sword
Sayram Boots
Sayram Gauntlet
Sayram Helmet
Sayram Stick
Sayram Suit
Saythpair Bow
Scale Shield
Scalemer Knuckle
Scianafs Boots
Scianafs Gauntlet
Scianafs Helmet
Scianafs Suit
Sciernen Boots
Sciernen Gauntlet
Sciernen Helmet
Sciernen Suit
Scroll of acquisition (High)
Scroll of Acquisition (Low)
Scroll of Amplification DR
Scroll of Amplification EM
Scroll of Amplification ES
Scroll of Amplification ES
Scroll of Amplification ES (S)
Scroll of Amplification ES (S)
Scroll of Amplification ES (S)
Scroll of AProtect
Scroll of Awakening
Scroll of Blessing
Scroll of Blessing(Event)
Scroll of Change Pet Name
Scroll of Class Change
Scroll of Combat
Scroll of Combat
Scroll of Custody
Scroll of DEX
Scroll of Element Change
Scroll of Exp.ansion
Scroll of Forgive
Scroll of G-Name Change
Scroll of GProtect
Scroll of Holy
Scroll of INT
Scroll of Name Change
Scroll of Pet Awakening (Raised Pets)
Scroll of Pet Blessing (Pick-Up Pets)
Scroll of Pet Recovery
Scroll of Pet Reversion (Raised Pets)
Scroll of Pet Revival (A Class)
Scroll of Pet Revival (B Class)
Scroll of Pet Revival (S Class)
Scroll of Pet Revival Piece (A Class)
Scroll of Pet Revival Piece (B Class)
Scroll of Pet Revival Piece (S Class)
Scroll of Private Custody
Scroll of Reduction A
Scroll of Reduction B
Scroll of Resurrection
Scroll of Return
Scroll of Reversion
Scroll of Reversion (Event)
Scroll of Sealed Character
Scroll of Selected Party
Scroll of Smelting
Scroll of Smelting (High)
Scroll of SProtect
Scroll of STA
Scroll of STR
Scroll of Velocity
Scroll of XProtect
Scull Stick
Seafood Pan Cake
Seafood Pizza
Seal of Aenn
Seal Wand
Sealed Character
Sealine Stick
Second Refresher
Secret Medicine
Seedling (Internal)
Seer Boots
Seer Gauntlet
Seer Helmet
Seer Staff
Seer Suit
Seidel Boots
Seidel Gauntlet
Seidel Helmet
Seidel Suit
Seintibine Bow
Sensate Hair (F) Black
Sensate Hair (F) Blue
Sensate Hair (F) Brown
Sentinel Bow
Sentinel Shield
Sepal Sword
Sephir Axe
Seplint Boots
Seplint Gauntlet
Seplint Helmet
Seplint Suit
Seraphim Boots
Seraphim Gauntlet
Seraphim helmet
Seraphim Suit
Setien Bow
Seventh Refresher
Sevoy Bow
Sexy Hanbok (F) Set
Sexy Hanbok Hat
Sexy Hanbok Set
Sexy Hanbok Shoes
Sexy Hanbok Suit
Seyer Boots
Seyer Gauntlet
Seyer Helmet
Seyer Suit
Shabel Boots
Shabel Gauntlet
Shabel Helmet
Shabel Suit
Shabere Stick
Shadeving Sword
Shaentra Boots
Shaentra Gauntlet
Shaentra Helmet
Shaentra Suit
Shait Stick
Shakyfin Axe
Shalow Stick
Shamerel Staff
Shamutra Boots
Shamutra Gauntlet
Shamutra Helmet
Shamutra Suit
Shark Knuckle
Sharp Canine
Sharpne Sling
Sheikane Staff
Shield of Ivillnes
Shinewing Stick
Shining Oricalkum
Shining Sword
Shout of Blood
Shrian Boots
Shrian Gauntlet
Shrian Helmet
Shrian Suit
Shuema Boots
Shuema Gauntlet
Shuema Helmet
Shuema Suit
Shuffle Boots
Shuffle Gauntlet
Shuffle Helmet
Shuffle Suit
Shupon Boots
Shupon Gauntlet
Shupon Helmet
Shupon Suit
Shurain Shield
Shuran Boots
Shuran Gauntlet
Shuran Helmet
Shuran Suit
Shurand Armor Box (F)
Shurand Armor Box (M)
Shurand Boots
Shurand Gauntlet
Shurand Helmet
Shurand Suit
Shurian Boots
Shurian Gauntlet
Shurian Helmet
Shurian Suit
Shurib Boots
Shurib Gauntlet
Shurib Helmet
Shurib Suit
Shyadin Axe
Shyer Sword
Side Knuckle
Siege Bow
Sigel Boots
Sigel Gauntlet
Sigel Helmet
Sigel Suit
Siggers Bow
Sign Staff
Silk Boots
Silk Gauntlet
Silk Helmet
Silk Suit
Silusia Boots
Silusia Gauntlet
Silusia Helmet
Silusia Suit
Silvein Boots
Silvein Gauntlet
Silvein Helmet
Silvein Suit
Silven Boots
Silven Gauntlet
Silven Helmet
Silven Suit
Silver Battery
Silyn Boots
Silyn Gauntlet
Silyn Helmet
Silyn Suit
Sinbad Set (F)
Sinbad Set (M)
Sinbad Shoes (F)
Sinbad Shoes (M)
Sinbad Suit (F)
Sinbad Suit (M)
Sinbad Turban (M)
Sinbad Veil (F)
Sincerity of Pumpkin
Single Bed (Blue)
Single Bed (Green)
Single Bed (Red)
Single Bed (Yellow)
Sionic Bow
Sirin Stick
Sixth Refresher
Sizzle Stick
Skebieng Boots
Skebieng Gauntlet
Skebieng Helmet
Skebieng Suit
Skeleton Gloves (F)
Skeleton Gloves (M)
Skeleton Mask (F)
Skeleton Mask (M)
Skeleton set (F)
Skeleton set (M)
Skeleton Shoes (F)
Skeleton Shoes (M)
Skeleton Suit (F)
Skeleton Suit (M)
Skellock Knuckle
Skenic Boots
Skenic Gauntlet
Skenic Helmet
Skenic Suit
Skient Boots
Skient Gauntlet
Skient Helmet
Skient Suit
Skill Poster
Skill Poster (Master)
Skunic Boots
Skunic Gauntlet
Skunic Helmet
Skunic Suit
Sky-Blue Cotton Candy
Sky-Blue Cotton Candy (Event)
Skypoon Boots
Skypoon Gauntlet
Skypoon Helmet
Skypoon Suit
Sledge Knuckle
Slepint Boots
Slepint Gauntlet
Slepint Helmet
Slepint Suit
Sline Staff
Slipper (F)
Slipper (M)
Slogger Sword
Small Toothed Wheel
Smart Owl
Smiter Sword
Snaic Boots
Snaic Gauntlet
Snaic Helmet
Snaic Suit
Snake Tongue
Snow Fairy
Snow Flake
Snowboard Box
Snowboard Box
Snowboard Box S
Snowboard S
Snowboarder Gloves (F)
Snowboarder Gloves (M)
Snowboarder Hat (F)
Snowboarder Hat (M)
Snowboarder set (F)
Snowboarder set (M)
Snowboarder Shoes (F)
Snowboarder Shoes (M)
Snowboarder Suit (F)
Snowboarder Suit (M)
Snowman Gloves (F)
Snowman Gloves (M)
Snowman Hat (F)
Snowman Hat (M)
Snowman set (F) Set
Snowman set (M)
Snowman Shoes (F)
Snowman Shoes (M)
Snowman Suit (F)
Snowman Suit (M)
Soccerball Angel
Sorain Boots
Sorain Gauntlet
Sorain Helmet
Sorain Staff
Sorain Suit
Soul Stone
Soup Box of Change
Soup Box of Vital
Soy Bean
Spacesuit Gloves(F)
Spacesuit Gloves(M)
Spacesuit Hat(F)
Spacesuit Hat(M)
Spacesuit Outfit(F)
Spacesuit Outfit(M)
Spacesuit Set(F)
Spacesuit Set(M)
Spacesuit Shoes(F)
Spacesuit Shoes(M)
Spacon Boots
Spacon Gauntlet
Spacon Helmet
Spacon Suit
Sparkle Shield
Special Cloak Gift Bag!
Special Upgrade Box
Speck Knuckle
Spector Staff
Sphinx Hair (M) Blue
Spike Knuckle
Spim Stick
Spimel Boots
Spimel Gauntlet
Spimel Helmet
Spimel Suit
Splendid Whirlpool Hair (F)
Splendid Whirlpool Hair (M)
Splhail Wand
Splin Knuckle
Spring Gift Box
Spring Gift Box
Spring Gift Box
Spring Gift Box
Spring Gift Box (Internal)
Spring Gift Box (Internal)
Spring Gift Box (Internal)
Spring Gift Box (Internal)
SProtect Box
Spy Gloves (F)
Spy Gloves (M)
Spy Hat (F)
Spy Hat (M)
Spy set (F)
Spy set (M)
Spy Shoes (F)
Spy Shoes (M)
Spy Suit (F)
Spy Suit (M)
Srehios Boots
Srehios Gauntlet
Srehios Helmet
Srehios Suit
Staff of Ivillines
Staff of Luena Lab
Stam Ring
Star Candy
Star Hair Band
Star Shield
Star Sign Cloak (Aquarius)
Star Sign Cloak (Aries)
Star Sign Cloak (Cancer)
Star Sign Cloak (Capricorn)
Star Sign Cloak (Gemini)
Star Sign Cloak (Leo)
Star Sign Cloak (Libra)
Star Sign Cloak (Pisces)
Star Sign Cloak (Sagittarius)
Star Sign Cloak (Scorpion)
Star Sign Cloak (Serpent)
Star Sign Cloak (Taurus)
Star Sign Cloak (Virgo)
Star Sign Cloak Box
Star Sign Cloak Gift Box
Star Stone
Star Sword
Starwheel Staff
Stat Redistribution Coupon
Stealth Brain
Steam Tear
Steamed Seafood
Steel Axe
Stick of Ivillines
Stick of Roritoren
Stick of Vel Parpone
Stienger Bow
Stinger Boots
Stinger Bow
Stinger Gauntlet
Stinger Helmet
Stinger Suit
Stitch Boots
Stitch Gauntlet
Stitch Helmet
Stitch Suit
Stitch Sword
Storm Boots
Storm Gauntlet
Storm Helmet
Storm Suit
Stormpak Axe
Strange Box
Strange Ivory
Strange Jewel Box
Strange Wrapping Cloth
Strawberry Shake
Subblade Sword
Sugar Boost
Suit of Dignity (F)
Suit of Dignity (M)
Sulnal Bomb
Sumifos Boots
Sumifos Gauntlet
Sumifos Helmet
Sumifos Suit
Summon of Party Leader
Suna Boots
Suna Gauntlet
Suna Helmet
Suna Suit
Sunglasses (Black)
Sunglasses (Blue)
Sunglasses (Red)
Sunglasses (White)
Sunstone Piece
Super Hot Dog
Superhero Cloak (M)
Superhero Gloves (F)
Superhero Gloves (M)
Superhero Headband (F)
Superhero set (F)
Superhero Set (M)
Superhero Shoes (F)
Superhero Shoes (M)
Superhero Suit (F)
Superhero Suit (M)
Suridin Boots
Suridin Gauntlet
Suridin Helmet
Suridin Suit
Sweet Ddukguk
Swift Boots
Swift Gauntlet
Swift Helmet
Swift Suit
Swimwear (F)
Swimwear (F) Set
Swimwear (M)
Swimwear (M) Set
Swirl of Soul
Sword Board S
Sword of BoBoKu
Sword of Ivillines
Sword of Silver Sword
Syanto Boots
Syanto Gauntlet
Syanto Helmet
Syanto Suit
Syikell Boots
Syikell Gauntlet
Syikell Helmet
Syikell Suit
Syila Box
Syila Hoverbike S
Syner Boots
Syner Gauntlet
Syner Helmet
Syner Suit
Syriellue Boots
Syriellue Gauntlet
Syriellue Helmet
Syriellue Suit
Table (Blue)
Table (Green)
Table (Red)
Table (Yellow)
Taegeuk Cloak
Taegeuk Cloak Box
Taiwan Flag Cloak
Talin Boots
Talin Gauntlet
Talin Helmet
Talin Knuckle
Talin Suit
Tao Sword
Tarin Root
Taris Wand
Taytra Axe
Tear of Darkness
Teardrop of Aenn
Teba Boots
Teba Gauntlet
Teba Helmet
Teba Staff
Teba Suit
Teddy Bear
Teddy Bear Gloves ( F)
Teddy Bear Gloves (M)
Teddy Bear Hat (F)
Teddy Bear Hat (M)
Teddy Bear set (F)
Teddy Bear set (M)
Teddy Bear Shoes (F)
Teddy Bear Shoes (M)
Teddy Bear Suit (F)
Teddy Bear Suit (M)
teel Knuckle
Tenth Refresher
Thai traditional clothes set(F)
Thai traditional clothes set(M)
Thai traditional clothes(F)
Thai traditional clothes(M)
Thai traditional gloves(F)
Thai traditional gloves(M)
Thai traditional hat(F)
Thai traditional hat(M)
Thai traditional shoes(F)
Thai traditional shoes(M)
Thailand Flag Cloak
Theomacuse Boots
Theomacuse Gauntlet
Theomacuse Helmet
Theomacuse Suit
Theomein Boots
Theomein Gauntlet
Theomein Helmet
Theomein Suit
Third Refresher
Tiger Board S
Tiger Board(Bind)
Tight Boots
Tight Gauntlet
Tight Helmet
Tight Suit
Tim Stick
Tiz Boots
Tiz Gauntlet
Tiz Helmet
Tiz Suit
Toeffin Shield
Tohen Boots
Tohen Gauntlet
Tohen Helmet
Tohen Suit
Tomb Marble
Tooring Axe
Toothed Wheel
Topaz for Bloodsucking
Topaz for Exp.
Topaz for Reflecting Damage
Topaz of Dexterity
Topaz of Intelligence
Topaz of Strength
Topaz Piece
Topaz Wand
Tornedo Boots
Tornedo Gauntlet
Tornedo Helmet
Tornedo Suit
Tote Bill
Touflak Boots
Touflak Gauntlet
Touflak Helmet
Touflak Suit
Touthyeto Boots
Touthyeto Gauntlet
Touthyeto Helmet
Touthyeto Suit
Tower Shield
Towrien Shield
Toy of Iblis
Trace of Offerep
Traditional Chile Hand (F)
Traditional Chile Hand (M)
Traditional Chile Hat (F)
Traditional Chile Hat (M)
Traditional Chile Set (F)
Traditional Chile Set (M)
Traditional Chile Shoes (F)
Traditional Chile Shoes (M)
Traditional Chile Suit (F)
Traditional Chile Suit (M)
Traditional German Dress (F)
Traditional German Hat (F)
Traditional German Hat (M)
Traditional German Outfit Set (F)
Traditional German Outfit Set (M)
Traditional German Shoes (F)
Traditional German Shoes (M)
Traditional German Suit (M)
Transportation Box
Treasure Box A
Treasure Box B
Treasure Box of the Fighter
Tri Finger
Trick or Treat
Tripale Wand
Tritium Axe
Tritium Bow
Tritium Knuckle
Tritium Staff
Tritium Stick
Tritium Sword
Tritium Wand
Tritium Yoyo
Trocal Knuckle
Tryout Collector Box
Turban (F)
Turban (M)
Turtle Shield
Turtle Sword
Tuxedo Gloves (M)
Twenkeen Staff
Twilight Armor Set (F)
Twilight Armor Set (M)
Twilight Boots (F)
Twilight Boots (M)
Twilight Gauntlets (F)
Twilight Gauntlets (M)
Twilight Helmet (F)
Twilight Helmet (M)
Twilight Suit (F)
Twilight Suit (M)
Twinkle Stone
Twister Cracker
Twit Knuckle
Two Handed Axe
Two Handed Sword
Tyrent Boots
Tyrent Gauntlet
Tyrent Helmet
Tyrent Suit
Ultimate Angel Axe @
Ultimate Angel Big Sword @
Ultimate Angel Bow @
Ultimate Angel Glove @
Ultimate Angel Staff @
Ultimate Angel Stick @
Ultimate Angel Sword @
Ultimate Angel Two-Handed Axe @
Ultimate Angel Wand @
Ultimate Angel Yo-Yo @
Ultimate Bloody Axe @
Ultimate Bloody Bow @
Ultimate Bloody Knuckle @
Ultimate Bloody Slayer @
Ultimate Bloody Staff @
Ultimate Bloody Stick @
Ultimate Bloody Sword @
Ultimate Bloody Two-hand Axe @
Ultimate Bloody Wand @
Ultimate Bloody Yo-Yo @
Ultimate Guardian Ambidextrous Axe @
Ultimate Guardian Axe @
Ultimate Guardian Big Sword @
Ultimate Guardian Bow @
Ultimate Guardian Knuckle @
Ultimate Guardian Staff @
Ultimate Guardian Stick @
Ultimate Guardian Sword @
Ultimate Guardian Wand @
Ultimate Guardian Yo-Yo @
Ultimate Historic Ambidextrous Axe @
Ultimate Historic Axe @
Ultimate Historic Big Sword @
Ultimate Historic Bow @
Ultimate Historic Knuckle @
Ultimate Historic Staff @
Ultimate Historic Stick @
Ultimate Historic Sword @
Ultimate Historic Wand @
Ultimate Historic Yo-Yo @
Ultimate Legendary Big Golden Axe @
Ultimate Legendary Golden Axe @
Ultimate Legendary Golden Big Sword @
Ultimate Legendary Golden Bow @
Ultimate Legendary Golden Gloves @
Ultimate Legendary Golden Staff @
Ultimate Legendary Golden Stick @
Ultimate Legendary Golden Sword @
Ultimate Legendary Golden Wand @
Ultimate Legendary Golden Yo-Yo @
Unicorn Corral
Uniform (M)
Uniform EX Gloves (F)
Uniform EX Gloves (M)
Uniform EX set (F)
Uniform EX set(M)
Uniform EX Shoes (F)
Uniform EX Shoes (M)
Uniform EX Suit (F)
Uniform EX Suit (M)
Uon Boots
Uon Gauntlet
Uon Helmet
Uon Suit
Upcut Stone
Upcut Stone(Event)
Upgrading Gift Box
Upgrading Set
Urante Boots
Urante Gauntlet
Urante Helmet
Urante Suit
Uriel Cold noodle
USA Flag Cloak
Vaen Boots
Vaen Gauntlet
Vaen Helmet
Vaen Suit
Vailem Stick
Vain Axe
Vaindiec Boots
Vaindiec Gauntlet
Vaindiec Helmet
Vaindiec Suit
Valentine Chocolate
Valor Boots
Valor Gauntlet
Valor Helmet
Valor Suit
Vampire (F) Gloves
Vampire (F) Hat
Vampire (F) Set
Vampire (F) Shoes
Vampire (F) Suit
Vampire (M) Gloves
Vampire (M) Hat
Vampire (M) Set
Vampire (M) Shoes
Vampire (M) Suit
Varife Bow
Velinjack Bow
Velox Armor Set (F)
Velox Armor Set (M)
Velox Boots (F)
Velox Boots (M)
Velox Gauntlets (F)
Velox Gauntlets (M)
Velox Helmet (F)
Velox Helmet (M)
Velox Suit (F)
Velox Suit (M)
Venezuela Flag Cloak
Venlrai Boots
Venlrai Gauntlet
Venlrai Helmet
Venlrai Suit
Venopy Boots
Venopy Gauntlet
Venopy Helmet
Venopy Suit
Vigor Boots
Vigor Gauntlet
Vigor Helmet
Vigor Ring
Vigor Suit
Vilet Boots
Vilet Gauntlet
Vilet Helmet
Vilet Suit
Vilyet Boots
Vilyet Gauntlet
Vilyet Helmet
Vilyet Suit
Vin Boots
Vin Gauntlet
Vin Helmet
Vin Suit
Violeker Knuckle
Violin Boots
Violin Gauntlet
Violin Helmet
Violin Suit
Virain Boots
Virain Gauntlet
Virain Helmet
Virain Suit
Virgo Boots
Virgo Gauntlet
Virgo Helmet
Virgo Suit
Vital Drink X
Vortex Shield
Voter's Buff
Wand of Earthquake
Wand of Ivillines
War Axe
War Remenant
War Scar
Wardrobe (Blue)
Wardrobe (Green)
Wardrobe (Red)
Wardrobe (Yellow)
Warm Slippers
Warpon Boots
Warpon Gauntlet
Warpon Helmet
Warpon Suit
Warrior Hair (M) Black
Warrior Hair (M) Blue
Warrior Hair (M) Brown
Warspon Boots
Warspon Gauntlet
Warspon Helmet
Warspon Suit
Water Bottle
Water Card (A)
Water Card (B)
Water Card (C)
Water Card (D)
Waterpool Staff
Waturan Axe
Wedding Dress(F)
Wedding Hair(F)
Wedding Hair(M)
Wedding Ring(F)
Wedding Ring(M)
Wedding Set(F)
Wedding Set(M)
Wedding Shoes(F)
Wedding Shoes(M)
Wedding Tuxedo(M)
Wedge Boots
Wedge Gauntlet
Wedge Helmet
Wedge Knuckle
Wedge Suit
Wees Boots
Wees Gauntlet
Wees Helmet
Wees Suit
Weeshian Boots
Weeshian Gauntlet
Weeshian Helmet
Weeshian Suit
Welcome Gift Box
Wheel of Wheelem
White Angel
White Cake
White Cheerleader (F) set + Soccerball Angel
White Cheerleader (M) set + Soccerball Angel
White Cotton Candy
White Cotton Candy (Event)
White Day Candy
White Soccer Shoes (F)
White Soccer Shoes (M)
White Soccer Uniform (F)
White Soccer Uniform (M)
White Tiger Cage
Whiteday Chocolate Set
Whiteday Gift Box
Wind Card (A)
Wind Card (B)
Wind Card (C)
Wind Card (D)
Wind Hair (M) Blue
Wind Hair (M) Brown
Wind Hair (M) Silver
Wing Force
Wings of an Angel
Wish Roll
Witcher Axe
Wiz Staff
Wood Horse S
Wooden Bow
Wooden Horse Box
Wooden Shield
Wooden Sword
Woodness Bow
Workout Gloves(F)
Workout Hair Band(F)
Workout Set(F)
Workout Sneakers(F)
Workout Suit(F)
World Cloak Gift Box
World Cloak Present Box
Xeno Knuckle
Xia Boots
Xia Gauntlet
Xia Helmet
Xia Suit
Xiponic Boots
Xiponic Gauntlet
Xiponic Helmet
Xiponic Suit
Yakadain Knuckle
Yakshadain Stick
Yellow Armored Tigar
Yellow Balloons
Yellow Balloons (Event)
Yellow Bead
Yellow Cotton Candy
Yellow Cotton Candy (Event)
Yellow Crystal
Yellow Pill
Yellow Rainbow Piece
Yellow School Bag
Yo-Yo of Ivillines
Young Seedling
Yuandain Boots
Yuandain Gauntlet
Yuandain Helmet
Yuandain Suit
Yukata (F)
Yukata (F)
Yukata (F)
Yukata (M)
Yukata (M)
Yukata Set (F)
Yukata Set (F)
Yukata Set (M)
Yukata Set (M)
Yukata Set (F)
Yukata Set (M)
Yukata Set (F)
Yukata Set (M)
Zailon Axe
Zanne Stick
Zem Mark
Zerem Wand
Zeroth Sword
1st Chef Muffrin
1st Class Fefern
1stale Mr. Pumpkin
1steam Walker
1steel Knight
2nd Chef Muffrin
2nd Class Fefern
Air Marshall Spiketail
Ant Turtle
Bad Demian
Beast Mr. Pumpkin
Beast Zombiger
Big Muscle
Bishop Popcrank
Blood Trillipy
Blue Angel
Blue Meteonyker
Blue Roach
Blue Roach Larva
Blue Roach Queen
Boss Bang
Boss Cardpuppet
Bouncing Wheelem
Brazenface Pukepuke
Brigadier Chimeradon
Brigadier General Crumple
Burn Bird
Cannibal Mammoth
Captain Aibatt
Captain Antiquery
Captain Bang
Captain Boo
Captain Bucrow
Captain Buketfoot
Captain Burn Bird
Captain Burudeng
Captain Carrierbomb
Captain Circus Bear
Captain Clawdoll
Captain Crane Machinery
Captain Doridoma
Captain Driller
Captain Dumb Bull
Captain Dump
Captain Elderguard
Captain Flbyrigen
Captain Flybat
Captain Froziest
Captain Garbagepider
Captain Giggle Box
Captain Glaphan
Captain Gongury
Captain Greemong
Captain Grrr
Captain Hobo
Captain Hoppre
Captain Iren
Captain Jack the Hammer
Captain Kern
Captain Leyena
Captain Luia
Captain Mia
Captain Mothbee
Captain Mushpang
Captain Mushpoie
Captain Nautrepy
Captain Nuctuvehicle
Captain Nutty Wheel
Captain Peakyturtle
Captain Pire
Captain Pukepuke
Captain Rampage Butcher
Captain Risem
Captain Rock Muscle
Captain Rockepeller
Captain Scorpicon
Captain Shuhamma
Captain Steam Walker
Captain Steel Knight
Captain Tombstone Bearer
Captain Totemia
Captain Trangfoma
Captain Volt
Captain Wagsaac
Captain Watangka
Captain Zombiger
Captian Bearnerky
Chaos Guardian NPC
Circus Bear
Crane Machinery
Creep Nyangnyang
Criminal Basque
Criminal Cardpuppet
Criminal Fefern
Criminal Garbagepider
Criminal Gigglebox
Criminal Glaphan
Criminal Greemong
Criminal Hobo
Criminal Hoppre
Criminal Iren
Criminal Leyena
Criminal Luia
Criminal Mr. Pumpkin
Criminal Shuhamma
Criminal Steelknight
Criminal Volt
Criminal Wagsaac
Criminal Watangka
Cyclops X
Dumb Bull
Erons Catcher
Flying Aibatt
General Bearnerky
General Chimeradon
General Glyphaxz
Ghost of the Forgotten King
Ghost of the Forgotten Prince
Giant Aibatt
Giant Antiquery
Giant Bang
Giant Basque
Giant Boo
Giant Bucrow
Giant Buketfoot
Giant Burn Bird
Giant Burudeng
Giant Carrierbomb
Giant Chimeradon
Giant Circus Bear
Giant Clawdoll
Giant Crane Machinery
Giant Demian
Giant Doridoma
Giant Driller
Giant Dumb Bull
Giant Dump
Giant Elderguard
Giant Fefern
Giant Flbyrigen
Giant Flybat
Giant Froziest
Giant Garbagepider
Giant Giggle Box
Giant Glaphan
Giant Gongury
Giant Greemong
Giant Grrr
Giant Hobo
Giant Hoppre
Giant Iren
Giant Jack the Hammer
Giant Kern
Giant Lawolf
Giant Leyena
Giant Luia
Giant Mia
Giant Mothbee
Giant Mr. Pumpkin
Giant Mushpang
Giant Mushpoie
Giant Nautrepy
Giant Nuctuvehicle
Giant Nutty Wheel
Giant Nyangnyang
Giant Peakyturtle
Giant Pire
Giant Pukepuke
Giant Rampage Butcher
Giant Red Mantis
Giant Risem
Giant Rock Muscle
Giant Rockepeller
Giant Scorpicon
Giant Shuhamma
Giant Steam Walker
Giant Steel Knight
Giant Syliaca
Giant Tombstone Bearer
Giant Totemia
Giant Trangfoma
Giant Volt
Giant Wagsaac
Giant Watangka
Giant Wheelem
Giant Zombiger
Giantmage Prankster
Giggle Box
Great Chef Muffrin
Green Meteonyker
Green Trillipy
Grownup Lawolf
Grownup Syliaca
Guru Catcher
Guru Catcher
Hunter X
Ivillis Black Otem
Ivillis Boxter
Ivillis Crasher
Ivillis Dandysher
Ivillis Destroyer
Ivillis Guardian
Ivillis Leanes
Ivillis Mushellizer
Ivillis Poisoner
Ivillis Puppet
Ivillis Quaker
Ivillis Red Otem
Ivillis Thief
Ivillis Wrecker
Jack the Hammer
Keakoon Guard
Keakoon Guard Leader
Keakoon Worker
Keakoon Worker Leader
Knight Popcrank
Krasec Catcher
Lieutenant Chimeradon
Lieutenant General Scythoid
Lord Bang
Lord Bang Hanoyan
Lord Clockworks Alpha
Lumping Basque
Maid Cardpuppet
Major Chimeradon
Manager Cardpuppet
Mine Catcher
Mother Yoln
Mutant Augu
Mutant Bang
Mutant Boss Bang
Mutant Fefern
Mutant Fefern King
Mutant Giant Bang King
Mutant Giant nd Class Fefern
Mutant Giant Nyangnyang
Mutant Keakoon Guard
Mutant Keakoon Guard Leader
Mutant Keakoon Worker
Mutant Keakoon Worker Leader
Mutant Nyangnyang
Mutant Nyangnyang Queen
Mutant Yetti
Nutty Wheel
Pawn Popcrank
Phantom Basque
Pink Roach
Pink Roach Larva
Pink Roach Queen
Private Bearnerky
Queen Popcrank
3rd Chef Muffrin
Red Bang Troupe Leader
Red Bang Troupe Member
Red Mantis A
Red Mantis B
Red Mantis C
Red Meteonyker
Rock Muscle
Rook Popcrank
Rotten Mr Pumpkin
Rough Wheelem
Sergeant Bearnerky
Serus Uriel
Small Aibatt
Small Antiquery
Small Boo
Small Bucrow
Small Buketfoot
Small Burn Bird
Small Burudeng
Small Carrierbomb
Small Circus Bear
Small Clawdoll
Small Crane Machinery
Small Doridoma
Small Driller
Small Dumb Bull
Small Dump
Small Elderguard
Small Flbyrigen
Small Flybat
Small Froziest
Small Garbagepider
Small Giggle Box
Small Glaphan
Small Gongury
Small Greemong
Small Grrr
Small Hobo
Small Hoppre
Small Iren
Small Jack the Hammer
Small Kern
Small Leyena
Small Luia
Small Mage Prankster
Small Maid Cardpuppet
Small Mia
Small Mia
Small Mothbee
Small Mushpang
Small Mushpoie
Small Mushpoie
Small Nautrepy
Small Nuctuvehicle
Small Nutty Wheel
Small Peakyturtle
Small Pire
Small Pukepuke
Small Rampage Butcher
Small Rampage Butcher
Small Risem
Small Rock Muscle
Small Rockepeller
Small Scorpicon
Small Shuhamma
Small Steam Walker
Small Steel Knight
Small Tombstone Bearer
Small Totemia
Small Trangfoma
Small Volt
Small Wagsaac
Small Watangka
Small Zombiger
Soldier Chimeradon
Specialist Bearnerky
Tombstone Bearer
Tough Rock Muscle
Trainee Chef Muffrin
Urchin Demian
Venel Guardian
Vice Veduque
Violet Trillipy
Worm Veduque
Young Lawolf
Young Syliaca
-Sprotect ID: 10464
-Sprotect Ultime ID: 10488
-Gprotect ID: 10465
-Aprotect ID: 26473
-Lethargie ID: 26462
-Maitrise S ID: 30148
-Reduction de level A ID: 26459
-Reduction de level ID26458
-Restat For ID: 30151
-Restat Dex ID: 30152
-Restat End ID: 30153
-Restat Int ID: 30154
-Restat ID: 10211
-Reskill ID: 10434
-Velocité ID: 10432
-Resurection ID: 10431
-Evolution de grp ID: 10428
-Hurlement 15j ID: 10212
-Hurlement 30j ID: 10213
-Deploiement 15j ID: 10214
-Deploiement 30j ID: 10215
-compte commun 15j ID: 10216
-compte commun 30j ID: 10217
-Banque ID: 15083
-Morphologie ID: 10220
-Morphitem (120) ID: 26218
-Morphitem (60) ID: 26204
-Invocation amical ID: 26217

Orichalque Scintillant ID: 2034
Orichalque ID: 2035
Pierre lunaire ID: 2036


Azria 7j ID: 26529
Azria 15j ID: 26530

Corail 1j ID: 26681
Corail 15j ID: 26682

-Elixir de familier ID: 21034

22533 Armure de Chevalier de la Dryade (G)
22537 Armure de Chevalier de la Dryade (F)
22541 Armure d'Assassin de la Dryade (G)
22545 Armure d'Assassin de la Dryade (F)
22549 Armure de Jester de la Dryade (G)
22553 Armure de Jester de la Dryade (F)
22557 Armure de Ranger de la Dryade (G)
22561 Armure de Ranger de la Dryade (F)
22565 Armure de Prêtre de la Dryade (G)
22569 Armure de Prêtre de la Dryade (F)
22573 Armure de Moine de la Dryade (G)
22577 Armure de Moine de la Dryade (F)
22581 Armure de Sorcier de la Dryade (G)
22585 Armure de Sorcier de la Dryade (F)
22589 Armure d'Elémentaliste de la Dryade (G)
22593 Armure d'Elémentaliste de la Dryade (F)


224882 Armure de Chevalier de l'Apocalypse (G)
224884 Armure de Chevalier de l'Apocalypse (F)
224883 Armure d'Assassin de l'Apocalypse (G)
224885 Armure d'Assassin de l'Apocalypse (F)
224886 Armure de Jester de l'Apocalypse (G)
224888 Armure de Jester de l'Apocalypse (F)
224887 Armure de Ranger de l'Apocalypse (G)
224889 Armure de Ranger de l'Apocalypse (F)
224890 Armure de Prêtre de l'Apocalypse (G)
224892 Armure de Prêtre de l'Apocalypse (F)
224891 Armure de Moine de l'Apocalypse (G)
224893 Armure de Moine de l'Apocalypse (F)
224894 Armure de Sorcier de l'Apocalypse (G)
224896 Armure de Sorcier de l'Apocalypse (F)
224895 Armure d'Elémentaliste de l'Apocalypse (G)
224897 Armure d'Elémentaliste d
16258 Tenue de Piscine (G)
16257 Tenue de Piscine (F)
17019 Tenue Bionique (G)
17024 Tenue Bionique (F)
17029 Tenue Détective (G)
17034 Tenue Détective (F)
17009 Tenue Cadet de l'Espace (G)
17014 Tenue Cadet de l'Espace (F)
16999 Tenue Plaisantier (G)
17004 Tenue Plaisantier (F)
16989 Tenue Harmonin (G)
16994 Tenue Harmonin (F)
16979 Tenue Dee Jay (G)
16984 Tenue Dee Jay (F)
16970 Tenue Piscine Japonaise (G)
16974 Tenue Piscine Japonaise (F)
16959 Tenue Yeti (G)
16964 Tenue Yeti (F)
16596 Tenue Street Wear (G)
16601 Tenue Street Wear (F)
16949 Tenue Chef Powhatan (G)
16954 Tenue Chef Powhatan (F)
16939 Tenue Grand Méchant Loup (G)
16944 Tenue Grand Méchant Loup (F)
16809 Tenue Spationaute (G)
16904 Tenue Spationaute (F)
16799 Tenue Dandy (G)
16804 Tenue Dandy (F)
16776 Tenue Taureau (G)
16781 Tenue Vache(F)
16756 Tenue Football Américain (G)
16761 Tenue Football Américain (F)
16746 Tenue Panda (G)
16751 Tenue Panda (F)
16732 Tenue Chilienne (G)
16737 Tenue Chilienne (F)
16720 Tenue Lapin (G)
16725 Tenue Lapin (F)
16710 Tenue Philippine (G)
16715 Tenue Philippine (F)
16680 Tenue Allemande (G)
16685 Tenue Allemande (F)
16634 Tenue Karaté (G)
16639 Tenue Karaté (G)
16203 Tenue des Forces Spéciales (G)
16252 Tenue de Foot bleue + Ange de Foot (F)
16251 Tenue de Foot blanc + Ange de Foot (F)
16250 Tenue de Foot rouge + Ange de Foot (F)
16249 Tenue de Foot bleue + Ange de Foot (G)
16248 Tenue de Foot blanche + Ange de Foot (G)
16247 Tenue de Foot rouge + Ange de Foot (G)
30006 Tenue de Japonaise (F)
30005 Tenue de Japonaise (G)
16355 Tenue de Nounours (G)
16360 Tenue de Nounours (F)
16350 Tenue de Mouton (F)
16345 Tenue de Mouton (G)
16335 Tenue de Grenouille (G)
16340 Tenue de Grenouille (F)
16313 Tenue de Snowboarder (G)
16318 Tenue de Snowboarder (F)
16330 Tenue de Bonhomme de neige (F)
16325 Tenue de Bonhomme de neige (G)
16308 Tenue de Shéhérazade (F)
16304 Tenue de Sinbad (G)
16293 Tenue de Flyffman (G)
16298 Tenue Wonderwoman (boite)(F)
30081 Tenue de Zouri anciennes (F)
30078 Tenue de Zouri anciennes (G)
16282 Tenue de Squelette (F)
16278 Tenue de Squelette (G)
16288 Tenue de Clown (G)
16222 Tenue d'Espion (F)
16217 Tenue d'Espion (G)
16260 Tenue de Policier+Matraque (F)
16259 Tenue de Policier+Matraque (G)
15134 Tenue de Smoking marron (G)
15133 Tenue de Smoking noir (G)
15132 Tenue de Smoking gris (G)
15137 Tenue de Soirée verte (F)
15136 Tenue de Soirée rouge (F)
30054 Tenue de Mistigri (F)
30053 Tenue de Mistigri (G)
16300 Tenue de Vador (G)
16301 Tenue de Vador (F)
16366 Tenue de Garde du Corps (F)
16363 Tenue de Garde du Corps (G)
16390 Tenue de Muay Thai (F)
16385 Tenue de Muay Thai (G)
16380 Tenue de Coréenne sexy (F)
16376 Tenue de Samurai (F)
16371 Tenue de Samurai (G)
16516 Tenue de Fantôme Chinois (F)
16512 Tenue de Fantôme Chinois (G)
16508 Tenue de Vampire (F)
16503 Tenue de Vampire (G)
16498 Tenue de Pirate (F)
16394 Tenue de Pirate (G)
16524 Tenue de Cuisinier Chinois (F)
16520 Tenue de Cuisinier Chinois (G)
16534 Tenue de Force bleu (F)
16529 Tenue de Force bleu (G)
16544 Tenue de Force rouge (F)
16539 Tenue de Force rouge (G)
16554 Tenue de Force jaune (F)
16549 Tenue de Force jaune (G)
16564 Tenue de Force verte (F)
16559 Tenue de Force verte (G)
16574 Tenue de Force rose (F)
16569 Tenue de Force rose (G)
16606 Tenue de Hip-Hop (G)
16621 Tenue de Mariage (F)
16616 Tenue de Mariage (G)
16675 Tenue de Kung Fu (F)
16670 Tenue de Kung Fu (G)
16725 Tenue de Bunny de noel (F)
16720 Tenue de Bunny de noel (G)
16665 Tenue de Softball (F)
16660 Tenue de Softball (G)
16695 Tenue de Cowboy (F)
16690 Tenue de Cowboy (G)
16601 Tenue de Printemps (F)
16596 Tenue de Printemps (G)

Voila en espérant vous avoir aidé ;)

Source: Britania 4
Last edited:


Jul 30, 2010
le truc pour Upgrade marche pas chez moi sa m'affiche un truc pour percer <.< Sinon le reste marche très Bien merci ^^
Oct 18, 2011
Oui ben justement tu met ton arme ou equipement dans le premiers slot et tu tape la commande /ritem ? ?? ?? et après tu fait quitter et c'est bon ;)


Membre actif
Sep 9, 2012
il faut faire /ritem mettre l'arme dans la slot et refaire /ritem 1 20 10 10 (exemple ) .
en autre commande vous avait /Piercing pour percer l'arme ou autre et aussi /disguise pour se transformer en mob ou autre exemple /disguise vous transformera en porte , un autre exemple /disguise 1118 vous transformera en matholle .

Metafire : De rien je rajouterai les armes behemoth et draconiques si j'ai le temps se soir.

les draconique sont un ajouts alors chacun mais sont ID donc je ne c'est pas comment tu peut prévoir les ID de chacun ^^ .

Pour les Item et mob vous avait des solution beaucoup plus simple que cela mais bon certain ne connaissent pas ^^' .